Friday, May 28, 2021

My Review of How to Catch a Queen by Alyssa Cole

 How to Catch a Queen: Runaway Royals by [Alyssa Cole]


I rarely read contemporary romance, because the power dynamic I find so enticing in my favorite smut is just unpleasant when set in today's world.  Nevertheless, a good romance is a good story, and I enjoy a good story.

How to Catch a Queen by Alyssa Cole is a pretty good story, although I found it hard to get into at first.  I couldn't tell if it was being deliberately silly -- with its adult heroine whose one goal in life is to become a literal queen, its poor little rich boy hero who I just want to smack some sense into (and not in a sexy way), and its setting in a palace in a fictional country in Africa that is a combination of Eddie Murphy's home in Coming to America (1 and 2 --both are delightful) in its simplicity, Wakanda in its openheartedness, the moors of Wuthering Heights in its dysfunction, and the Oceania of 1984 in it's absolute erasure of inconvenient recent history.  

I never quite bought into the love story.  The chemistry between Shanti, the driven, smart, wise, and farseeing heroine, and Sanyu, the underachieving hero who has to be led by the nose to meet his responsibilities, felt forced.  I get that Sanyu works out a lot so he's hot, plus he's a king, but he's such an utter manchild.  I kind of would have preferred if they had stuck with Shanti's original understanding, that they would work together as a couple for the betterment of the country but not expect love.

That said, the book has a lot going for it.  A realpolitik understanding of the role of the IMF in developing countries, a lot of great supporting characters that I would have liked to have seen more of, like Shanti's overworked guard and a nasty librarian Shanti has to get along with, and world-building that is all-encompassing even if a bit Disney-ish. I wanted the book to be something that it isn't, but I enjoyed it.  

Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.




Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Regency romance book review: The Wallflower Wager by Tessa Dare

While technically a separate genre from smut, regency romances are often as close as you can get while (unlike many of their heroines) still staying barely on this side of respectability.  Also, they are my guilty pleasure.  

The Wallflower Wager by Tessa Dare is a pretty good book.  The best regency romances address topical issues sensitively and with an entirely modern sensibility (and I say that with respect).  In this book the issue is childhood sexual abuse.  Dare manages to fold dealing with if not healing from trauma into the overall happily-ever-after arc, and she does it very well.

Alas, not everything in the book is done as well.  It often sinks into sitcom territory, with stray animals that are out-of-place and much too cute, quirky servants who we should either see much more of or much less of, and minor characters jockeying for "best friend" status at entirely inappropriate times.  

Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Monday, May 24, 2021

If you thought my novel about naked sex slaves was hot, wait until you hear Ruan Willow read an excerpt

 I'm a late adopter of podcasts.  It's only in the last six months or so that I've started to listen to them, generally while doing housework.  I started with Imagined Life, in which the listener is read a biography without names and is, I guess, supposed to be surprised to learn who the subject is.  I quickly grew frustrated as it's generally easy to reverse engineer your way into guessing the mystery person within the first few minutes of the podcast.  (Let's see, who is the one architect middle class Americans have heard of?  Or the episode titled "the Bride"?  Seriously, if you can't figure who that is from the title alone I salute you for having spent your life focusing on things that matter.)  I sampled a few others, but eventually settled into The Daily, the New York Times' podcast, which is generally interesting enough to get me through the dishes even if sometimes ignorantly mainstream.

And then Ruan Willow offered to record an excerpt from Mindgames, my dark dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, and my life was changed forever.   Hearing Ruan bring my characters to life with her sexy, seductive voice is a thrill.  Secretly listening to her very smutty podcast, Oh F*ck Yeah, on my headphones while mopping the floor with my family members none the wiser about why I have a foolish grin on my face -- priceless.  Check it out here

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Tenth Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge Excerpt: The Mardi Gras Unmasking: Fulfilling Her Secret Desire by Ruan Willow

 Welcome back to excepts from entries in the Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge, the contest where if you read and rate erotica by May 31, 2021, you can win a prize package of more erotica by the same writers, as well as a $200 gift certificate for sex toys from Sohimi.    

Today's excerpt is from The Mardi Gras Unmasking: Fulfilling Her Secret Desire by Ruan Willow.  (If you are outside the US, use this link.)    

     I crush myself against the wall by the window like a half-naked thief. My heart jitters out hasty beats. I nudge the curtain aside and peer into the dark night, looking for people having sex on the street. I scan the street up and down. There must be someone fucking.

        A crowd of people stroll under the streetlight. They yell. Music blares from somewhere. Sparkling masks and shiny beads catch rays from the streetlights and make people glow. I spy two people deep kissing. Their combined silhouette thrashes against the light streaming from the magic store’s window. A lone saxophone sweetly drones from a nearby balcony. Around the bend, many are likely seeking the sexy temptations blooming on Bourbon Street.     If only I could see them too, or join in.

    The pulled curtain has lit the room a bit. I glance at the door to see if he’s coming back yet before I adjust my pale-pink camisole. I bite my lip. I want the lace at the top to lay across my breasts evenly over my mounds while still showing generous cleavage. Must look sexy for Dane, using every fiber of my lust and my body and the sheer openness of my mind. Hell yes.     I draw in a deep breath and slowly release it as I cup my breasts and squeeze. I’m so ready for this sexual mystery of his to roll out. My evil grin rages in the darkness. Only he knows my secrets. Such a good Dom Dane is turning out to be for me.

    I finger the feathers flowing off the top of my mask, taking extra time to feel up the pink one that matches my camisole as if it’s somehow different. I play with a large blonde curl that has flopped onto my breast. Today was a good hair day. The door clicks and my breath catches. The air chokes me as I grasp the wall with my fingertips.

    Should I hide better? I love it when he finds me, his hard cock swinging, eyes full of lust, strong hands overpowering me, picking me up like I’m a doll. Wearing this mask, camisole, and thong all night at his request. Now I'm a skeptical little girl with an impatient, swollen clit. And oh yes, I’m ready to be rubbed enough by Daddy Sir to spill a flood.

    “Kara? You here, baby?” Dane asks in his tender voice.

    I let out a sigh as butterflies claim my gut. “Yes, I’m here.” I step out from behind the armoire, the tallest feathers on my mask bouncing above my forehead as I creep forward in baby steps.

    “Oh good.” He moves quickly across the room with his long-legged stride. “You’ve followed my instructions.” His voice is thick with approval.

    Mmmm. I like it.

    He grabs both of my biceps and squeezes, lifting me slightly off the ground, enough to make me tippy-toed as he brushes his full lips along mine.

    He smashes my tits to him by pressing hard on my back. I gasp. Seriously. I can't move. I blink and blink. The strength of his hands melts me. My gut feels like warm putty. I open my mouth to speak but can't. I force out the words. "Claim me, Daddy."

    He pries my lips open with his tongue and fondles mine.

    His cock is a rock against my tummy. And I want it in me right fucking now.

    He tugs my thong up my ass crack with a devilish grin. “There. All better.” Even in this dim light, his eyes twinkle.

    “I want you,” I whisper into his mouth. “Please, fuck me. I need you in me now. I wanna be your Mardi Gras whore.”

    His devil mask covers most of his face, but leaves his beautiful pouty mouth visible, his strong chin, the horns covering his waves of lush brown hair. “I so want those lips and your tongue on my clit.” I run my finger over his wet lips, our mutual desire almost palpable. The new song coming from the living room makes me want to dance. I shimmy my shoulders against his strong grip.

    He steps back and releases his hold, then he tips up his mask to show me his face unencumbered.

    I get his full naughty grin in tune with his lusty eyes. Delicious.  “Fuck me,” I whisper.

“Oh, you’ll be my whore, alright. And get my lips all over you. That and more. I just need to go tend to a few of the guys. They wanted me to make them a martini. I’m a bartender slut at the moment. Then I’m all yours.” He replaces the mask and hops back from me as I lunge for him. He walks to the window and peeks out, then pulls the curtains closed snug darkening the room once more.

    He whips his fingers in the air and closes them quickly. “I’m doing everybody. I'm the master bartender with a perpetual boner.” He chuckles but sobers when I frown. “Sorry, I’ll be back in no time, kitten. I just wanted to check on you. You’re being a very good girl, coming in here and staying just as I asked you to do. I noticed you followed the plan to the very second even. That’s my good girl. You’ll be rewarded for listening to Sir. Daddy is quite pleased with you.”

    I shove my lower lip out in a pout, but my smile slips out. “But I was having fun at the party, and it’s still going on, so I really want to go out there. Or you just stay here and fuck me. They can make their own drinks.” I grab for him.

    He jerks back. “Don’t you worry, baby girl, I’m going to take care of all your needs. I want this night for you because you want it.” He cocks his head at me, a finger tap to his chin. “You being in here at the start of it all is imperative.”

    “Only I don’t know what the ‘it’ is.” I hook my thumbs in the front of my thong and sag my shoulders, but the thrill of not knowing also excites me. My pulse races. My clit blissfully twitches. I can't wait. If I clap, he will punish me.

    “Now, none of that moping. I won’t be gone for more than five minutes, and then I’ll be back to ravage you senseless, wring you out with fucking until you are limp and a useless treasure for me to covet in my arms.” He leans over to pet my hair. “Now, remember the rules?”

    “Yes, yes. I do. Please hurry back. My pussy is soup-gushy, and she wants to spit on your hard cock.” I run my thumb down my groin. “Fuck I'm horny.”    “Yes, kitten. Now get on the bed, ass up, face in the pillow, and wait.” He turns away.    I ogle his round, firm ass as he heads out the door. “Always ass up,” I mutter in barely a whisper as I climb onto the bed. I curl up on my side, wistfully listening to the laughter and music wafting through the crack in the door as he shuts it behind him. I want to be in both places. My heart pounds. A tear wells up in my throat. Don't cry. Don't cry. I've had way too much wine. Chill Kara. I will get him to myself soon.

Chapter Two

    This night is something he wants for me that I need. Hmmmm. What could he have planned? I'm dying to know. I just need his cock in me, that’s what I need, pounding me to the submission of multiple orgasms loaded with many contractions each. Yes, please. I slip my finger past the soft fabric of my thong and into my pussy. I’m so wet and I haven’t even been touched on my pussy by anyone but myself in hours. Hmpf. I stick my lip out. I sit here waiting for some cock from the man who promised to always give me some when I wanted it, for life. So where is he? I slam my fist onto the bed. He'd call me a brat for that and slap my ass. No doubt. But that's why I do it. And I'll do it again and again. I chuckle.

    I twirl a spiral curl around my finger as a tremor travels through me. I’d better get my ass up or I’m going to get spanked for not following the plan, for real. But…I wanna get spanked, but…I kinda don’t. I naughty smile as I nestle my face into the soft pillow barely in time as the door clicks open. Ha! I made it into position in time. Whew. That was too close. My heart pounds as I pant.

    He’s upon me fast, like a damn panther. His beer scent is strong. He slides his hand along my right hip.

    I jerk to the left, only to be reined in by his hand on my left hip. I grin against the soft pillow. It's always so delicious when he fixes my position.

    He warns me with two rapid grunts.

    I'm not going to do it. I'm gonna test ya. I grin as I lower my hips, making me slip out of his large hands.

He grips my hips harder and pulls me back up into position.

His correction makes me naughty grin again. Fuck. I want him.

I hold my breath, waiting for the slap for being an "insolent brat", as I bite my smile back. I tense as his right hand leaves my hip. I want to lean to the side, but I wait.

I wince. OMG. Slow down, heart… I might have a panic attack. My chest is heaving, pressing my breasts into the bed with each inhale as I arch my back. This sucks ass. I don't want to be still. His grip on my left hip tightens. I gasp.

Here it comes …



Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Ninth Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge Excerpt: Neighbors with Benefits

Welcome back to excepts from entries in the Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge, the contest where if you read and rate erotica by May 31, 2021, you can win a prize package of more erotica by the same writers, as well as a $200 gift certificate for sex toys from Sohimi.  

Today's excerpt is from Neighbors with Benefits by Kate Marsden.  (If you are outside the US, use   this link.)

Before Nicky and Griff have a chance to meet their new neighbor, they have sex against a window while he watches.  It promises to be a very interesting barbecue.

 Here's the excerpt: 

Nicky revealed her cards.  "A pair."  She didn't even want to think about how many points she had thrown away to achieve that result.  "Griff, what was that rule that you remembered?"

"If all you have is a pair, you have to touch a pair."
"Oh, yes. Of course, I am the dealer, and, so, dealer's choice."  She turned to Adam.  "I want you to touch a pair."
"Ma'am, I'm not sure I should do that."
"Imaginary rules are not meant to be broken."
Adam looked at Griff.  "Sir?"
Her husband sighed.  "I'm afraid she's beaten us at our own game.  We probably should have gone fishing."
Nicky stood up and moved next to Adam, standing just a little behind him, forcing him to do what he did next.
Adam pushed back his chair and turned to face her, exposing his hardness and the head that extended past the top of his boxers. "Ma'am."  He placed a hand on her left breast.
"Both of them."
Sighing, Adam placed his other hand on her right breast.
The heat coming off his hands sent flames shooting through her body.  "My husband, when he had to touch a pair, fondled them."
"You were sitting right there.  You saw it.  Play with my breasts."



Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Eighth Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge Excerpt: Camila Devereaux First Blush

Welcome back to excepts from entries in the Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge, the contest where if you read and rate erotica by May 31, 2021, you can win a prize package of more erotica by the same writers, as well as a $200 gift certificate for sex toys from Sohimi.    

Today's excerpt is from Camila Devereaux First Blush by Calypso Hardt.  (If you are outside the US, use this link.)

“Congratulations!” The server placed a glass filled with Champagne in front of Camila then did the same for Johnna and Theo. “My name is Reagan. I’ll be taking care of you this evening.”

Camila picked up her glass and gestured towards the server. “It’s nice to meet you, Reagan. I’m Camila. This is Johnna and Theo.”

Reagan winked at Johnna. “I know these two delinquents. Good to see you again, it’s been a few weeks since you’ve been in on my shift.” Regan set down the bottle. “I’ll be back in a bit. I need to check on my other tables.”

Johnna lifted her glass, and Theo and Camila followed suit. “To Camila! I hope your new life is even better than you hope it will be!”

Everyone said, “Cheers” then touched their glasses together, sending the sound of ringing crystal into the air.

Camila took a sip before setting her glass down. “Oh, this is delightful. Thank you for ordering it.”

Johnna and Theo both smiled at her.

“Of course, honey. So are you ditching the last name along with the husband?” Johnna asked.

“Yeah. I want nothing of his, especially his name.”

“What’s your maiden name?” Theo asked.

“Carter, but I didn’t want to go back to that name either. I decided I wanted a new name to commemorate the new phase in my life.”

“What did you pick?” Johnna asked.

Camila blushed and looked down a bit. “Um… Devereaux. After Blanche Devereaux…from The Golden Girls.”

“Excellent choice. She was a devoted friend and a lady who lived her life with zest.” Johnna placed her hand on Camila’s forearm, sending shivers up her spine. Johnna let her hand linger for a moment, then pulled it back, trailing her finger along Camila’s arm. Camila’s breath hitched slightly. As she made eye contact with Johnna, the look Camila saw could only be described as sultry. Camila looked at Johnna through her slightly lowered eyelashes and bit her lower lip, letting it slowly roll back out to its normal position.

Theo cleared his throat as he saw Reagan heading towards the table with a plate in her hands. Camila and Johnna broke eye contact and turned toward the returning server. Heat suffused Camila’s face as her pale cheeks flushed pink. Camila couldn’t be sure, but she thought she caught a knowing glance from Reagan. Then again, Camila could just be imagining it.

When she’d gone out for the night, she’d expected to enjoy a quiet night celebrating by herself. Now, she had no idea what was going on or how to react. WWBDD? It was going to be her new life motto. That’s what she’d told herself when she’d picked her new last name. What would Blanche Devereaux do?



Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Seventh Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge Excerpt: Servicing the Senior Partner

 Welcome back to excepts from entries in the Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge, the contest where if you read and rate erotica by May 31, 2021, you can win a prize package of more erotica by the same writers, as well as a $200 gift certificate for sex toys from Sohimi.    

Today's excerpt is from Servicing the Senior Partner by Lacey Cross.  (If you are outside of the US, use  this link.)  

If your husband changes the rules and you work with three hot lawyers… what would you do?

Miranda’s is 28 and bored with her sex life. When her husband suggests they change the boundaries of their relationship, she reluctantly agrees. Her husband encourages her to work overtime and wants to hear all the details.  Miranda goes for it and it changes everything.

The freedom is liberating, and Miranda is ready to embrace her new Hotwife status.


 Here's the excerpt: 


By lunchtime, I’m still worked up and horny. This better not be how all my days go now that I’m supposed to be considering who to sleep with. My brain is basically contemplating every man in the office, and I’d fuck all three of the lawyers I work for in a heartbeat. If I had a preference, it would be Mr. Jacobs because he has that hot dad vibe going on. Sometimes I enjoy being a bad girl, but it never quite works with my husband when he’s only five years older than me.

I’m alone in the break room and decide now is the only chance I’m going to get to talk to Dina about my issues. She works evenings so by the time I get off work she can’t take my phone call. We mostly communicate via text during the day or if I occasionally call her during my lunch break.

When Dina answers, I blurt out all my problems, leaving nothing out. She already knows about Jon’s desire for me to sleep with other people, but I hadn’t yet told her I agreed to the idea. My lunch break isn’t long, so I rush and explain it all and conclude by telling her I’m now having inappropriate fantasies about my bosses.

Right about then is when I realize that Mr. Jacobs and one of the other lawyers, Mr. Parks, are standing outside the doorway as if they had intended to come into the break room but stopped.

Ooooh, fuck. I tell Dina I have to go without an explanation and end the call. I gather my lunch quickly and silently, and rush out the door past the two gape-mouthed lawyers. Well, I probably just got myself fired. It was a pleasant job while it lasted.

I’m numb and stare at my computer screen blankly for half an hour. Should I leave before someone talks to me? Something flashes and jolts me out of my slump. We use an instant messenger program on our computer for informal messages to each other. If you want a record of something, you email it since the email service backs up our correspondence. Otherwise we’re fine using instant messenger.

The message is from Mr. Jacobs and simply says, “I think we could help you with your problem.”

Wait, WHAT? My pussy zings alive once again. Is he suggesting what my cooch assumes he is?

I quickly respond, “What problem are you talking about?”

The messenger program tells you when someone is typing and Mr. Jacobs is either typing something incredibly long, or he paused mid thought. My heart races while I wait for his response.

His answer is shorter than I expected. “You can do any of us whenever you want.”

OH… MY… GOD. Of course, my brain put his voice in my head when he said that, so imagining him whispering that to me added an extra flavor to the message. My lady parts buzz in approval and a splash of wetness leaks out. I’m tempted to go to the restroom and finger myself with his voice in my head, telling me I can do him whenever I want. That’s orgasm-worthy material right there.

I flip my attention back to my computer screen and message my boss, “Are you free after work?”

He immediately responds, “Yes, right after our meeting about your tardiness.”

Ooooh, hell, yeah. My fingers are shaking and I’m breathing fast as I type, “I look forward to it.”



Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Friday, May 14, 2021

Sixth Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge Excerpt: Sloth: Twist of Fates

 Welcome back to excepts from entries in the Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge, the contest where if you read and rate erotica by May 31, 2021, you can win a prize package of more erotica by the same writers, as well as a $200 gift certificate for sex toys from Sohimi.    

Today's excerpt is from Sloth: Twist of Fates by Daniela Lovejoy:  

It sounds like a great career opportunity when Brandon, a new employee at the trendy design studio, is summoned to his boss Brittney's office. She is the spoiled daughter of a multimillionaire and has a special assignment for Brandon. But things are not as they seem, and this meeting will put him on a path with both sex and deceit that will end up changing his life in ways he had never expected.

 She was a spoiled brat, had always gotten everything served on a silver platter, even the company she ruled like a queen. That is when she wasn’t too busy chatting with friends on her rhinestone covered phone or first showed up at noon. We were all just loyal servants of Brittney Stone, the twenty-six-year-old heir, and only daughter of multimillionaire Rupert Maximilian Stone. Now, she’d fired me and all because I’d been dumb enough to trust her words and have sex with her that late evening on the conference room table.
But how was I to know that the day I was summoned to her large corner office with the panoramic windows...

Her eyes made a split-second glance at me as I entered. She continued with whatever none work related she was busy with on her phone today, typing enthusiastically, while chewing on gum like a teenager. Holding my left wrist with my right hand, my thumb repeatedly rubbed across the skin.
I’d never been called in audience by Brittney in my six months working here, which made me fear I was about to be fired. I looked longing out at my colleagues buzzing around in the open office space on the other side of the transparent glass wall surrounding her office.
“You’re Brandon, right?” She asked, not removing her eyes from the screen.
“Yes, Ms. Stone, Brandon Woods.”
“Eliza tells me you’re talented, a real star…” She meant Elizabeth Green, who was co-design director together with her. But from what I’d experienced, Eliza, as we all, with her blessing, called her, ran most of our projects. She kept track of our work, offered us insights and guidance. It was never Brittney.
“That’s quite a praise coming from her,” I said. She put her phone down on the desk. Her bright blue eyes began scanning me meticulously.

What she seemed to lack in work ethics she made up for in looks. She was the sexiest boss, imaginable. Long platinum blonde hair, a button nose, and delicious full pink lips on a gorgeous face with defined cheekbones.
“You look young for an art director. How old are you?” She leaned forward, resting her elbows against the glass tabletop, making a subtle smile. It made her ever-present cleavage show even more predominately. I did my best to keep my eyes locked at hers.
“I’m twenty-five, and only junior art director, Ms. Stone.”
“How did you come to work here?”
 “I joined your graphic design studio, fresh out of college. I have always worked hard, and was told my design portfolio is original.”
Her smile widened, making a thoughtful nod.
She usually wore skimpy female business suits. They did little to conceal her slender body and long legs always covered in dark stockings. It was impossible not to notice her breasts, which seemed larger than her petite frame would have naturally. But fake or not, they looked perfect.
Always kept in bra’s that featured them in her tight low cut jackets and showcased her incredible cleavage. Below she usually wore matching skirts that were so tight everyone could see her firm ass when she walked past us. And so short, I’d be able to tell the color of her panties from where I stood right now if it weren’t for her crossed legs. That is if she even wore any panties… I bit down on my inner cheek to keep myself from getting turned on at this inappropriate time.

Then she broke the moment of silence. “I think you’re just the guy I need for an exciting task...” She picked up a flash drive and sauntered towards me in her five-inch fashion heels, smiling now so warm it had switched to flirtatious.
“...And just call me Brittney.” My heart skipped a beat as she pressed the drive slowly into my palm and closed my fingers around it, gazing into my eyes up close. With a velvety voice, she began explaining what she wanted me to do.

Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Fifth Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge Excerpt: Loving Laurie

 Welcome back to excepts from entries in the Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge, the contest where if you read and rate erotica by May 31, 2021, you can win a prize package of more erotica by the same writers, as well as a $200 gift certificate for sex toys from Sohimi.    

Today's excerpt is from Loving Laurie by Natalie Hothorne.  (Outside the US use this link.)

When Laurie discovers a crate of Joe’s old porn a whole new world opens for her. While viewing the films together, the topic of anal pleasure arises. Laurie confesses she has never done butt stuff. Fascinated by the thought, she contemplates the possibilities, but her initial concerns overshadow her curiosity.

With the guidance of sexpert, Mona; and Joe’s patient attitude, Laurie finally conquers her worries and discovers a completely new level of intense pleasure.

More than an erotic novella, Loving Laurie, is a tale filled with love and extending boundaries.
Here's the excerpt:  

We settled in on the couch and I put on some music.  Faith Hill's Breath was playing.

"I love this song." said Laurie.

"Me too. I've always tried to imagine what it would be like to have a woman feel that way about me." I confessed.

"You don't have to imagine any more," She said, leaning in to kiss me.

  I kissed her back and soon we were making out like sex starved teenagers, letting our tongues explore each other. I nipped at her lower lip with my teeth. She sucked my lip into her mouth. My hands were fumbling with  the hem of her sweater looking for a way in.

She reached down and pulled the sweater over her head, then climbed on to my lap, straddling me, she buried her face in the crook of my neck. She smelled of jasmine.

I slid a hand behind her back and freed her from the lacy bra, then leaned back to fully appreciate her bare breasts. My eyes were drawn to her erect nipples, they were caramel colored and as big as gum drops. 

I traced the edge of her large areolas with a finger. Laurie let out a soft moan, as I pulled her close, gently taking a nipple in my mouth and began to suck. I massaged her other breast with my hand. She arched her back, pushing her pelvis against my hardening cock. I was pressing back harder, grinding against her as she began to move her hips more rapidly.

Pausing to catch her breath, Laurie softly asked if I wanted to move to the bedroom. Without a word I wrapped her tightly in my arms, rose to my feet and carried her down the hall.

Once in the bedroom, I sat her on the bed and turned on a bedside lamp.

 "Do you mind the light?" I asked. 

She said that she was a little uncomfortable at the thought of me seeing her nude for the first time.  I reached to turn it off.

 “No leave it on. I want to see what exactly has been rubbing up against me these past couple of weeks.” She gave me a small grin.

I unbuttoned my shirt, she rose from the bed to meet me. Pulling her close, I relished the heat as our bare flesh touched for the first time. I slid her jeans and panties down with a smooth, well practiced motion. Then stepped back as she freed her pants from around her ankles. I studied her body with hungry eyes and looked her in the face.

“You are beautiful.” She  flushed and softly murmured, “Thank you.”

Kneeling before me, she undid my jeans. I wasn't wearing underwear. She saw that I was clean shaven, and  murmured her approval.  Having freed my hard cock, she leaned in to take it in her mouth.

I had been fantasizing about this exact moment, since the day we had met.  Thinking of how those plump, moist lips would feel on my cock.  In that moment however, my urge to taste, was stronger then the need to be tasted

I stopped her and said “Not yet”.

Helping her to her feet, I softly pushed her onto the bed and fell upon her. Kissing her mouth, I let my fingers explore her already soaked pussy. With a fingertip, I gently traced her wet lips from the opening up to her clit and back down again.

Laurie's soft moans increased in volume everytime I brushed against her rapidly swelling clit.

I never lingered in one spot for long, sensing when my touch had her near the brink I would change direction, edging her.

It didn't take long to figure out what she liked, she was very vocal. I deliberately teased her, delaying the release she was looking for again and again.

  She began to grind against my hand, eager to cum. I knew she was edging closer. I slowed my hand and gently cupped her pussy while kissing her neck.

I gently began to bite her neck. She let out a soft moan and she ground against my hand.

. "I want to taste you," I whispered in her ear. "Would you like that?"

"Yes," she gasped.  "Oh, yes...please"

 Slowly I kissed and sucked my way to her breast. Lingering just long enough to suck each nipple, while continuing to gently massage her pussy. I felt her breath catch as I kissed her stomach and worked my tongue to just above her clit. Reaching up to grab a pillow, I told her to raise her ass so I could slide it beneath her. With her pelvis elevated I spread her legs and began kissing her inner thighs.

I realized how desperate she must be to cum when she tried to guide my mouth to her clit. I resisted, knowing what she wanted  but having no desire for the moment to end. I was enjoying the sweet taste of her juices.

"I can't take it anymore." she finally begged "Please let me cum"

Ignoring her pleas, I slid my tongue down from her clit and gently licked her asshole. This caught off guard and she flinched.  Then she moaned, letting me know she liked it. I continued running my tongue over her firm pucker massaging her hard clit with a thumb.

Ready to give her what she wanted, I moved back up to her inner lips and nibbled on the soft pink flesh. Slowly pushing  two fingers into her wet pussy. I found her G spot. Her hips reacted violently.  She began a rapid, rhythmic rocking as I stroked her inner wall. I placed my free hand on her belly and pulled her clit hood back, now giving my mouth full access.

Slowly I licked the hard nub.  Feeling her body tense and her pussy walls contract around my hand, I sucked her clit tightly into my mouth and softly bit down. Her body went rigid and then convulsed violently. She ground her pubic bone  viciously against my mouth. When she came, it was with an explosive force.

She was a screamer. “FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!"poured from her mouth, as her juices flowed from her pussy.  She continued to pound against my mouth.

As her orgasm subsided, trying to catch her breath, Laurie put a hand on my head, signaling me to stop. I released her clit from my mouth, but continued to move my fingers in her pussy. She convulsed again. I  pushed my fingers in deeper and began to thrust them rapidly in and out. The orgasm was not as strong as the first but it seemed to go on forever. When it was over my face was drenched in her sweet juices.

Laurie painted, “Damn! That was amazing”

I slid up to kiss her on the mouth, she wiped my face before returning the kiss.

“Oh my God, my pussy is still twitching” she said as she reached down to touch my cock.

 “That's a good thing, right?” I asked , as she began to stroke my dick.

 “Very good! Now lay back and let me return the favor

I felt her tongue slide over my shaft. moving upward from my balls to the tip. I breathed heavily as she slowly flicked her tongue across my head. I  stroked her hair to show how much I liked it. She ran her tongue around the rim of my head, focusing on the sensitive underside. She had found my happy spot and sucked the entire head into her mouth continuing to work her tongue.

 I began to slowly move my hips as she took me deep in her mouth.  She cupped my balls as she varied her pace up and down my shaft. Occasionally she would stroke me with her hand. She continued to tease me, being careful to not take it too far.

 I was loving what she was doing, but wanted to be inside her. Not wanting to cum yet I tapped her on the shoulder and suggested she take a break. She made a whine of disappointment, but slid up next to me. We embraced and kissed long and gently.

Laurie positioned herself so that she was straddling me and we continued to kiss. Her breasts gently grazed my chest, as they gently swayed above me. We could both feel my cock growing harder beneath her twitching pussy, neither of us could wait any longer. She reached down to position my penis right at her soaked opening and gently lowered her hips. She let out a gasp as her waiting pussy sucked me in. We began to gently move together and I felt an electric jolt shoot through my whole body. I knew from the look in her eyes,I was not the only one to feel it.

It was like our intimate parts had been engineered to fit perfectly together. We merged to form a finely tuned machine, whose only purpose was to give maximum pleasure to both of us.

My senses had never felt so alive. I could smell the mix of her perfume mingling with the musk of our love making. I could hear every breath she took, It was as if I felt every ridge of my fingers moving over her breasts. The saltiness of her flesh was strong on my lips. An intense awareness spread through my body.

Her growing moans let me know, Laurie was experiencing something very similar. We increased the pace of our thrusting, My cock was getting harder with each thrust. I could feel the tight muscles of her pussy clenching with each thrust as she bore down, taking me ever deeper inside her.

Laurie leaned back and the light shone on her long hair,tossing from side to side. She had a crazed, desperate look about her as she pursued her orgasm with total abandonment.  I grasped her ass and drove myself deeper into her, thrusting as hard as I could, seeking my own orgasm

I told her I was about to cum and she yelled, “God Yes! Cum for me baby." As I shot a massive load, she released an orgasm that must have been building within her for the past five minutes. Her juices flowed freely and I felt the wetness spread across my loin. “OH MY! GOD!,” she cried as I felt her pussy continue to spasm. 

Laurie held her place astride me, sweat pouring from our bodies, panting. My cock was still hard and she showed no desire to release it any sooner than she had to.

"I’ve never cum so hard in my life." she said, still short of breath.

Eventually I began to soften and she rolled off, laying her head on my chest.

We cuddled like that for a while, neither of us speaking. 

Just as I was about to doze off, Laurie broke the silence.

"I really like you," she said. "I mean I really like you...a lot"

         "I love you, too." I said and kissed the tip of her nose.


Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.


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