Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Eighth Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge Excerpt: Camila Devereaux First Blush

Welcome back to excepts from entries in the Turn Up the Heat Reader's Challenge, the contest where if you read and rate erotica by May 31, 2021, you can win a prize package of more erotica by the same writers, as well as a $200 gift certificate for sex toys from Sohimi.    

Today's excerpt is from Camila Devereaux First Blush by Calypso Hardt.  (If you are outside the US, use this link.)

“Congratulations!” The server placed a glass filled with Champagne in front of Camila then did the same for Johnna and Theo. “My name is Reagan. I’ll be taking care of you this evening.”

Camila picked up her glass and gestured towards the server. “It’s nice to meet you, Reagan. I’m Camila. This is Johnna and Theo.”

Reagan winked at Johnna. “I know these two delinquents. Good to see you again, it’s been a few weeks since you’ve been in on my shift.” Regan set down the bottle. “I’ll be back in a bit. I need to check on my other tables.”

Johnna lifted her glass, and Theo and Camila followed suit. “To Camila! I hope your new life is even better than you hope it will be!”

Everyone said, “Cheers” then touched their glasses together, sending the sound of ringing crystal into the air.

Camila took a sip before setting her glass down. “Oh, this is delightful. Thank you for ordering it.”

Johnna and Theo both smiled at her.

“Of course, honey. So are you ditching the last name along with the husband?” Johnna asked.

“Yeah. I want nothing of his, especially his name.”

“What’s your maiden name?” Theo asked.

“Carter, but I didn’t want to go back to that name either. I decided I wanted a new name to commemorate the new phase in my life.”

“What did you pick?” Johnna asked.

Camila blushed and looked down a bit. “Um… Devereaux. After Blanche Devereaux…from The Golden Girls.”

“Excellent choice. She was a devoted friend and a lady who lived her life with zest.” Johnna placed her hand on Camila’s forearm, sending shivers up her spine. Johnna let her hand linger for a moment, then pulled it back, trailing her finger along Camila’s arm. Camila’s breath hitched slightly. As she made eye contact with Johnna, the look Camila saw could only be described as sultry. Camila looked at Johnna through her slightly lowered eyelashes and bit her lower lip, letting it slowly roll back out to its normal position.

Theo cleared his throat as he saw Reagan heading towards the table with a plate in her hands. Camila and Johnna broke eye contact and turned toward the returning server. Heat suffused Camila’s face as her pale cheeks flushed pink. Camila couldn’t be sure, but she thought she caught a knowing glance from Reagan. Then again, Camila could just be imagining it.

When she’d gone out for the night, she’d expected to enjoy a quiet night celebrating by herself. Now, she had no idea what was going on or how to react. WWBDD? It was going to be her new life motto. That’s what she’d told herself when she’d picked her new last name. What would Blanche Devereaux do?



Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

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