Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sometimes erotica is just a shadow of real life

Continuing to ramble through classic erotic stories: let's discuss the Marquis de Sade.  We know him today primarily as the origin of the word sadism -- and for good reason.  (He also comes up with some frequency in rants about how Amazon is happy enough to carry his works but mistreats (economically, not sadistically) authors of self-published erotica.)  I can't say that his stories of abusive priests kicking pregnant women in the stomach until they miscarry invoke much in me other than nausea.  

An almost entirely fictionalized movie was made about de Sade about twenty years ago.  The main thing I remember about Quills is that its backdrop was the Reign of Terror, and its point was that no matter what horrendous torture de Sade wrote about in his novels, worse things were happening beyond (and inside) the walls of the asylum where the  movie was set.  The movie asks the question: What is worse, imagined perversions about abusive sex, or actual political perversions that lead to torture and murder in real life?  



Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Monday, November 25, 2019

What makes smut smut?

After writing about Fanny Hill the other day, I was thinking I might do a series of blog posts about erotic books  I read, in the order that I read them.  I assumed that this post would  be about The Story of O, a BDSM book written in France in the mid-20th century.  It's a bit lighter on plot than Fanny Hill, -- and the plot that it does have is mostly sad -- but it gets points for having not an ounce of vanilla in it. 

But in between reading Fanny Hill and The Story of O, I read Judy Blume's Forever, and Jean Auel's Clan of the Cave Bear series, and a bunch of Judith Krantz's wonderful novels.  In their time they were all called smut. They certainly all have explicit sex in them.  And yet, I don't think of them as dirty books. 

What makes a book a dirty book?  It's clearly not how well-written it is.  Plenty of smut is wonderful prose, and a lot more books that have not a whisper of sex in them are terribly written.  Is it the ratio of sex to plot:?  Or is it that the purpose of the plot is to lead to the characters having sex?  Or do we just know it when we see it?  

Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Good erotica is worth the effort to find

I grew up reading the classics, almost entirely for fun as opposed to for school.  I read Jane Eyre when I was 11 or so, on a long train ride home from visiting relatives.  Wuthering Heights followed, naturally, and Charles Dickens and Jane Austen and Ernest Hemingway and on and on.

So when I started reading smut, it was natural that I would gravitate towards the classics there too.  I found an old, decrepit copy of Fanny Hill: Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure.  Written in gorgeous prose in 1748 by John Cleland while he was in Debtor's Prison, it's a prostitute with a heart of gold story.  The sex is vanilla but so very explicit.  The romance is sweet.  It's not exactly plot-heavy, but it does have a plot, and it has characters with actual characterization.

Today, in a world where we all have access to porn at our fingertips around the clock, and dirty stories of every variety with a little searching, it's hard to remember a time when you had to work to find smut.  You figured out what bookstores carried dirty books  --  I recall a bookstore in the train station in Philadelphia I would stop by whenever I went through the city.  Those books had pages in the back advertising other books, but the only way you could get them was by ordering them by mail, with a check.

Despite the ready availability of smut today, it's worth it to take the time to find the books that are a delight to read.  Fanny Hill, like every classic, has lasted for centuries for a reason. Just as there's nothing particularly wrong with mediocre sex, there's nothing wrong with reading plodding, plotless erotica.  But good sex is worth some effort -- and so is finding good sex stories.


Jasmine Gold 

Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Opening chapter of my work in progress, Damascus

Chapter 1: Belinda's Father Sells Her to a Brothel

     My father and I didn't say much as he drove me in his rusting Chevy to Chinatown.  Cliches, maybe, commenting on the weather.  He was sober, though, stone, cold sober, and I gave him a lot of credit for that.  It would have been so much easier for him to do this drunk and senseless.

     Traffic wasn't too bad, and we were lucky enough to find a metered space.  The day was incongruously sunny and warm for March, and the pedestrians turned their faces up a little towards the sky.  I felt as though I was at the Aquarium, looking in on fish who lived in what might as well be an entirely different universe. I marveled that people were going about their business as if it were an ordinary day.  My English class at my community college would be taking the King Lear exam.  No one would miss me much; the fish would swim on without me.

     Damascus has a drab, gray exterior.  The main door leads into a long corridor where the men can wait for admission without disturbing the neighbors.  Damascus has many rules, and politeness to outsiders is primary among them.  The bosses know that the only thing that can take their power away is a people's uprising.  It's not likely, no matter how they behave, but they figure why take chances.  Chinatown has been complaining about vice for as long as vice has been zoned on Chinatown's doorstep, and that's been a very, very long time.

     It was not even mid-afternoon and Damascus was mostly asleep.  Not that I knew that then, or had thought about the hours a whorehouse would keep.  Not that thinking would have enlightened me.  I was twenty, a virgin, and an innocent.  Of course I considered myself sophisticated because I knew my father was a drunk and I was at home with the fact that my brothers slapped me around once in a while.

     My father buzzed the intercom and the receptionist – it must have been Ivan – asked the necessary questions.  Then we stood and waited for what seemed like a long time.  I tried to ignore the passersby, but a few, and not only men, glanced at us curiously as we stood in the doorway.

     Ivan could have buzzed us in, of course – but I’m sure Vincenzo told him not to.  Vincenzo was playing the humiliation game.  Not for me, or rather for me only as an aside – it was really my father he was trying to torment that morning.  In his mind my own torment would begin in earnest that night, and a prelude had little power to greater or lessen it.

     "I am like Beauty and the Beast," I told myself.  This was my favorite fairy tale, because, as I had earnestly told my friends, it's the only one in which the prince and the princess actually know each other before they fall in love.  In the tale, Beauty's father picked a rose from the beast's garden.  The Beast agreed to spare his life for this crime only if he would bring his daughter Beauty to serve him.  That was my story exactly.  My father, in addition to being a drunk, was a gambler.  How he got the mob to allow him to run up such a grand debt I don't know – except that his friend from school days ran the numbers racket in the suburb where we lived, and maybe thought he was doing him a favor.  Joey disappeared though – moved on or knocked out my father never learned.  I never liked him.  Joey left his books behind, and it came time for my father to pay his debt or set an example.  Clearly he couldn't pay.  All his possessions, the house, the big t.v. he bought when he won on a scratch ticket one time – they equaled a small fraction of the debt.  I later learned that he had gambled away our house three times.  But he did have one possession – a thing that would earn back, with interest, everything he owed.  That thing was me.

     The door opened slowly, ponderously.  It was bright where my father and I stood on the doorstep to Damascus, and dark inside, so my first impression was of a shadow in the shape of a tall, thin man.  "You're Lambert?" the man said to my father, and in those two words conveyed a sneering disdain.

     My father nodded and overeagerly took a step forward.  "That’s right," he said, "and you must be Vincenzo.”  He pronounced it like it was spelled, Vinsenzo, and the man frowned.

     “No,” the man said, and he spoke his name, drawing out the syllables as if he were speaking to a child.  Vintshenzo.  “But you, sir, will call me Mr. Dragna.”  I wondered what I would call him. 

     My father didn’t seem to notice his supercilious manner.  He pulled me by the arm into the doorway, roughly, nervously.  “This is Belinda, my daughter.”  

     As my eyes adjusted to the dim hallway, I saw that Vincenzo was spare and handsome, like an actor who could play a rancher. I had just registered the color of his eyes (green) and hair (dark brown and wavy, cut short), and the birdlike crook of his nose before he said to me, “Eyes down,” with a voice of such authority that contradiction was unthinkable.  Immediately I looked down at his perfectly polished black dress shoes, below his perfectly cut gray suit.

     My father stepped into the corridor.  When I followed him Vincenzo closed the door with a thud and then a click.  For a moment I was terrified, glued to the spot, and if the door had been less heavy I might have turned and run. The thud, though, echoed in my ears and I knew that escape was impossible.

     Vincenzo's feet walked down the corridor and my father pulled me after him, his hands biting into my arm.  He was pulling me along but I was holding him up.

     Halfway down the long corridor there was door on the left. It opened into a smallish room.  Vincenzo led us in.  I glanced up.  There was an old metal desk with one chair behind it and two in front. A single document was on the desk. Vincenzo gestured for us to sit.  My father pushed me into the nearest chair and he himself stumbled into the far one.  Vincenzo said, as if he mocked me, "Look at me now."  Slowly I obeyed.  His eyes were not just green, they were glittering.  His cheekbones were chiseled and his mouth perfectly proportioned, its softness a contrast to the angles of his nose. Looking at him, I felt young and as if he were the first adult I had ever seen.

     Vincenzo held my eyes for a moment, and another, and another, and another.  What he was thinking I could not guess.  He was trying to read me, too, I think.  I felt both comforted and more afraid.

     My father shifted nervously in his chair and cleared his throat.  Vincenzo turned towards him unhurriedly, scornfully.  He tapped the paper on the desk.  "Well, Mr. Lambert," he said, the formality a subtle insult that was no doubt lost on my father.  "I know you've seen this contract before."

     My father said heavily, "I've seen it."

     "Has he shown it to you?" he asked me, and I thought he almost said my name, Belinda, but did not.

     I shook my head and tried to sound calm.  "No," I said, and added, "Mr. Dragna.  But I know what's in it.  He explained it to me." 

     “You will call me sir, for now,” Vincenzo said, smiling slightly. He tapped the contract with his finger.  "There can be no misunderstanding about this. In the eyes of the law this contract is not binding, but morally if you sign it there is no way out.  Do you understand that?"

     I nodded and met his eyes.  "Yes, sir," I said.

     Vincenzo smiled as if to himself.  "I asked the wrong question.  What I really want to know is," and here he leaned back in his chair and squinted a little, "Do you believe that?"

     "Sir?" I asked.

     "Do you believe," Vincenzo said, "That you should be held accountable for your own choices?"

     "Yes, sir," I said.

     "Do you believe that if you sign a contract, that contract will rightfully bind you years from now, when you're twice the age you are today, no matter how you come to regret it?"

     "Yes, sir," I said, but slower this time.

     Vincenzo gave me his look again, as if trying to pierce my soul.  He said to me, softly, "Do you know how to read, Belinda?"

     "Yes, sir," I said softly, wondering what kind of twenty year old girl he knew who didn't.

     My father broke in, babbling.  "She's a right smart girl, she is.  Straight A's, top of her class in high school. One teacher told her she should go to Harvard, if you can believe that.  Read?  Why she's been reading since she could walk."  He stopped, abashed.  He wasn’t looking at me so he did not see that tears pricked my eyes, from embarrassment, from humiliation over lost chances. 

     I think Vincenzo saw, though.  He let my father finish but did not deign to reply.  Instead, he slipped the contract over to me and waited while I took a deep breath to calm myself before I looked at it. 

                         SERVICE CONTRACT

WHEREAS Milton Lambert owes the Consortium One Million Two Hundred Forty Eight Thousand Seven Hundred Twenty One Dollars and 18 cents, counting interest accrued until March 18, 1994;

IN PAYMENT OF THIS DEBT Belinda Lambert hereby agrees to work for the Consortium until such debt, plus interest of one percent per month, calculated on the first of each month, and reasonable expenses, is paid by her labor.  Belinda Lambert agrees that  such labor will include sexual performance and other work of any nature required by the Consortium.  Belinda Lambert understands that she will be in the employ of the Consortium 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until such debt is paid.  Belinda Lambert understands that disobedience to any orders or requests of the Consortium, poor attitude, suicide, failure to keep herself healthy, or running away will end in termination of this contract and that any moneys still owed will be the responsibility of Milton Lambert. 

IT IS EXPRESSLY AGREED that Belinda Lambert may end her employment with the Consortium at any time as long as she has paid all reasonable expenses incurred on her behalf by the Consortium.  Milton Lambert will be responsible for any money still owing on his debt.

IF BELINDA LAMBERT SHOULD DIE OF ANY CAUSE OTHER THAN SUICIDE while in the employ of the Consortium, Milton Lambert’s debt will be considered paid in full. 

BELINDA LAMBERT OR MILTON LAMBERT may request an accounting of amounts owing and expenses incurred by her at any time when not in violation of Belinda Lambert’s other duties, and the Consortium shall provide such accounting within seven days.

THE CONSORTIUM may assign its rights under this contract without the consent of Belinda Lambert or Milton Lambert.   Belinda Lambert or Milton Lambert may assign Belinda Lambert’s obligations under this contract only with the consent of the Consortium.

     There were three signature lines, one for me, one for my father, and one for Vincenzo Dragna, Consortium. 

     When I finished reading the contract I felt my nose stinging as I tried not to cry.  Vincenzo was watching me, expressionless.

     "Do you understand the contract?" he asked me.

     "Yes, sir," I said, and my voice shook but not badly.

     His tone became harsh.  “You understand that you will be a sex slave, here in Damascus?”

     “Yes, sir,” I said again.

     “You understand that men come to Damascus because they take pleasure in humiliating girls, sometimes in hurting them?”

     I nodded.  My brothers had talked about it in front of me, although there was no way for me to really comprehend it.  Vincenzo didn’t say anything, and I realized he was waiting for me to answer out loud.  “Yes, sir,” I said.

     Vincenzo nodded slowly. Suddenly he looked younger than he had before.  I had assumed that he was in his mid-30’s, but now I thought more like late 20’s. "Before you sign this contract," he said, "I need to ask you some questions.  I warn you to tell the truth.   If you lie we'll know it soon enough, and the contract will be void and you, as well as your father, will be punished for lying to the consortium.  Do you understand that?"

     "Yes, sir," I said, as steadily as I could.

     "Are you a virgin, Belinda?"

     I felt my face turn a hot, bright red.  "Yes, sir," I said, and my voice was high and squeaky.

     "Some people think that if they've been raped it doesn't count."  Vincenzo paused for a moment.  "Has anyone ever molested you, Belinda?"

     I couldn't answer.  I pictured my two bothers on top of me, their hands over my chest, pretending to be lifeguards.  "In with the good air, out with the bad air, in with the good air, out with the bad air..."  I shook my head to be rid of the vision.

     "I have never had sex," I said, shakily, hoping that would appease Vincenzo. 

     He watched me with a cocked head and then asked in a voice soft and neutral, "Was it your father?"

     My father, sitting beside me, grasped the arms of his chair tightly, breathing hard.  "No, sir," I said quickly.  "Not my father."

     Vincenzo leaned towards me over the desk.  "If your father is forcing you here,” he said, “we will protect you from him, we'll protect you and we won't charge you for it.  There would be no consequences to you at all.  You could go back to your classes, your job, and rebuild your life.  Do you understand?"  His voice was kind and gentle, and it was this that finally made me cry, great sobs, tears streaming down my face, snot welling in my nose.  I couldn't speak.  Vincenzo handed me a handkerchief, like from a novel.  I blew my nose and wiped my eyes.

     At last I spoke.  "Please don't kill my father," I said, and my voice sounded weak and strange to me.  Vincenzo gave a half shake of his head, as if to himself.

     "You say you're a virgin, Belinda," he said, "and we'll soon verify it.  Tell me, are you a virgin in both holes?"

     "Sir?" I said, uncomprehending.

     Vincenzo gave a half smile, sardonic, twisted.  He enunciated slowly as he spoke.  "Has anyone ever fucked  you up the ass?" 

     Beside me my father moaned, but said no words.  I shook my head, horror-struck, almost frozen.  "No, sir," I said at last.

     "Good," Vincenzo said.  "Now, tell me this.  When is the last time you had an orgasm?” He watched me intently as my father moaned beside me.

     My face burned a bright red.  “I’ve never had one, sir,” I whispered.

     "Why not?"  At the time I thought he was mocking me, but maybe he was just surprised.  "Surely you touch yourself?"

     "Yes, sir," I said miserably.

     "But not come?"

     "No, sir.  I..."  I faltered for words.  "I guess I just don't"  I sounded silly even to myself.

     Vincenzo regarded me dispassionately, but with what I would come to recognize as a subtle glint of amusement.  He turned then to my father, pushing the contract over to him.  "All right, old man, sign away," he said.  My father pretended to search his pockets for a pen, as if he would ever find one there.  Vincenzo watched him several moments too long before, at length, reaching into his own breast pocket and removing a gold Cross pen.  He handed it to my father slowly, as if reluctant to have his grubby hands touch it.

     My father took the pen and stared at the contract for a moment.  He murmured, "God help me," and signed.  He lay the gold pen on the contract and slid them across the desk to Vincenzo.

     Vincenzo turned the contract around and looked at my father's signature gravely, as if questioning its authenticity.  Then he picked up the contract – later, it would come back to me how long and delicate an finely shaped his fingers were, like a piano player's – and handed it to me.  But then he held onto it for a moment as I grasped it.  "Last chance to save your life," he said.  I shook my head and he let go.  Quickly, before I could change my mind, I signed the contract and handed it back to Vincenzo.  Vincenzo did not look at my signature.

     "All right, then," he said.  "Take off your clothes." 

      "Hold on now," my father protested, trying to sound fierce. "You haven’t signed that piece of paper.  She’s not yours until you sign." 

     Vincenzo eyed my father as if he were a fly buzzing on a windowsill. Slowly, lazily, he drawled, "I'll sign when I see that she's not damaged goods."  He turned to me.  "Take off your clothes." 

     I stood up awkwardly, not sure where to begin.  It had never occurred to me that I would be made to strip in front of my father, whose eyes were glued on the floor.  I though perhaps Vincenzo would assist me, or, if I stood long enough, force me, but he waited patiently, expressionless. 

     I was not a stylish dresser.  I had neither money nor sense of fashion, and I almost always felt dowdy and awkward.  I hadn't known what to wear today, except that I could not bring a change of clothes, so I had opted for comfortable and practical: fairly new black jeans, hand-me-down wool sweater that had once been warm but was worn thin enough to be okay for spring, newish non-name brand sneakers.

     The sweater was a pullover, and as I took it off for a blessed moment my face was hidden.  My shirt underneath, a button-down, was wrinkled, and damp with my sweat.  Slowly I unbuttoned it, the cuffs first, then from the neck down.  I pulled it off, and not wanting to admit my embarrassment or shame did not turn away from Vincenzo.  His eyes were on my breasts, smallish under my beige, almost formless bra.  To buy time I folded my shirt and carefully put it on top of my sweater.  I sat back down on the chair and untied and removed my sneakers, and then my socks, placing them both on the table next to my sweater and shirt. 

     As my hands went to the fly of my jeans, trembling, for a moment I thought of pretending this was a strip tease, like I used to do at sleepovers not so many years earlier.  Not in front of  my father; I couldn't do it.  Slowly I unzipped my fly and pulled my jeans down, awkwardly lifting one leg and then the next.  I folded the jeans and put them on the desk with my other clothes.   

     I stood facing Vincenzo in my bra and underwear, both dingy, cotton things.  My bra had once been beige; my underwear had once been white.  Now both were somewhere in between, with elastic fraying at the edges. 

     Vincenzo's face was expressionless, but my father was crying.  As I reached behind my back to unsnap my bra, my father said hoarsely, "Stop."  For a moment my heart filled with hope, thinking my father had changed his mind or come up with another solution – a friend he had not tapped out, anything.  Instead he said, "I don't need to be here for this.  You got my signature.  You got my daughter."  He stood up heavily.

     Vincenzo said impassively, "You'll stay until I tell you to leave.  And from now on you'll look at her.  Sit down."  There was something about him that made you think he was holding a gun to your head, and would pull the trigger as easily as scratch his arm. 

     My father's mouth opened, then closed, once, twice, three times.  The third time he snapped it shut and sat down heavily.  "God help me," he said, and shielded his eyes with his hands.

     "I said you will look at her," Vincenzo said.  My father dropped his hand and looked at me, in my dingy underwear.

     "Proceed," Vincenzo said to me.  I reached behind and unhooked my bra, its straps scratching me a little as I pulled them off my arms.  I tried to pretend I was in the girl's locker room at the college gym, but could not.  No man had ever seen my breasts before, not even my brothers. 

     I reached down for my underwear. For a moment I felt panic, pure terror, sweeping through me.  All at once I peeled off my underwear and flung it onto the desk on top of my clothes.

     "Thank you," Vincenzo said.  He watched me impassively as I caught my breath. "Stand right here," he said, and he beckoned me over to the side of the desk that faced the door.  "Face the desk and bend over." I gasped with the shame of it.  Slowly I bent from the waist.  The tips of my breasts touched the cold metal desk first.  I gave a start, then laid the rest of my torso down, my face turned towards Vincenzo as I could not bear to face my father.  I didn't know what to do with my arms, so I lay them alongside my body, my hands awkwardly facing up.

     Vincenzo wheeled his chair back away from me and stood up.  He walked towards the door, out of my line of vision.  From behind me I heard him command, "Spread your legs."  Awkwardly I walked my feet out so that they were slightly wider than my waist.

     For a moment there was silence.  I felt the cold of the desk penetrate my whole body, starting with my cheek and going all the way down. 

     Suddenly Vincenzo's hand was between my legs.  Involuntarily I scooted my legs together, Vincenzo's hand squished between my thighs. 

     Vincenzo's voice was both fire and ice.  "This is the last time you will disobey me without being severely punished," he said.  "Open your legs immediately and keep them open."  I struggled to obey, opening my legs wider than they had been before.  I was crying and could feel snot dripping from my nose.

     Vincenzo turned the palm of his hand towards my crotch, so that the heel of his hand was at the top of my crack and his fingers curled around the lips of my vagina, his middle finger resting on my clitoris.  I burned with shame and struggled not to move.  Then, with his index and middle finger he began to play with the inside lips surrounding my clitoris, one finger on each side.  Without meaning to I straightened my legs, but did not dislodge his fingers.

     Slowly Vincenzo lifted his hand and drew a line with his index finger from my clitoris down through my slit to my vagina.  He pushed his finger into my hole.  I felt dry down there, and stretched.  I was crying in earnest now, tears and snot and drool forming their separate puddles on the desk.  Vincenzo paid no heed, prodding and poking me.  I was sure that his finger was all the way in, and I could feel him testing the walls of my vagina.

     "Do you wear tampons?" he asked.

     "Yes, sir," I said, my voice gravelly with tears.

     "What size?" Vincenzo demanded. 

     "Medium," I whispered.  "Sir." 

     Vincenzo continued to prod.  "No harm done, I suppose," he said.  He pulled his finger out slowly and its dryness scraped against me painfully.

     Vincenzo rested the tip of his middle finger against my asshole.  Slowly he started to push, a hangnail catching me painfully.  I moaned, and bit my cheeks to stop myself from moaning again, but the sound came out my nose instead.  This was much worse than before.  My asshole grabbed his finger and puckered around it, clenching it in place.  Vincenzo rotated his finger.  I could stand it no longer.  "Please," I begged.  "Stop."  My voice was a low, ragged whisper.  In reply Vincenzo pushed his finger in much further.  Burning  pain seared me.  I whimpered but did not beg again.  He pulled his finger out, prodding the walls of my asshole as he did so. 

     I think it had been over for some minutes before I even realized it.  I could only hear my breath in great, raspy gasps as I fought hysteria, frantically searching  my mind for some memory of normalcy, of a life that was not what mine had suddenly become.  At first I could think of nothing but my terror and shame.  Then, in the corner of my memory, I found a vision of a fallen tree on the outskirts of some wooded lots near my house.  When I was a little girl I used to walk that log from one end to the other, memorizing the spot where my weight would make it shift.  No one ever knew that I went there, or that for a time I considered that log to be my best friend.  Remembering it let me catch my breath, feel the coldness of the metal desk against my face and body, my knees beginning to ache from their unaccustomed position.

     At that moment Vincenzo told me to stand up.  I obeyed so hastily that I felt dizzy and had to put my head down again for a moment.  Again, that twitching of one corner of Vincenzo's lips, indicating his amusement.

     Vincenzo picked up his gold cross pen and set it to the contract.  But before he signed he hesitated for a moment, looking at me with the exact doubt that I had so hoped to see in my father's eyes.  Then, in a rush, he signed his name.  "Very well," he said to the room in general.  Then, to my father, "You'll get a copy in the mail.  Your daughter will have access to her copy whenever she requests it.  I, of course, will keep the original."

     My father jumped to his feet and stuck out his hand to Vincenzo.  Vincenzo merely looked at it disdainfully, and I noticed it was trembling.   "A signed contract is better than a handshake between us, Mr. Lambert," Vincenzo said, and turned to me.

     "On your hands and knees," he ordered.  I fell to the floor immediately, stray dirt biting into my knees and palms.

     Vincenzo opened the door to the office. "Crawl," he commanded me, and I crawled through the door, my wrists and knees immediately beginning to ache.

     To my father Vincenzo said, "You will watch your daughter crawl to the end of the corridor.  You will not avert your eyes.  When we reach the door, you will turn and go."

     I heard my father sob, "Let me say goodbye to her," but Vincenzo had already ordered me to crawl forward, toward Damascus.

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