Sunday, March 7, 2021

Chapter 6 of Damascus, my smutty novel in progress, "Sex Slave Belinda Loses Her Virginity"


    When I came to myself, I was still leaning against Avery.  There was a ringing in my ears.  I realized the sound was men whistling.  I straightened up.  Vincenzo freed my ankles and then my wrists.  “You okay?” he asked me.


     “Yes,” I said.


     “Yes, sir,” he responded gruffly.


     “Yes, sir.”  His green eyes glittered at me.  


     “I’ll take that key now.”  Vincenzo and I both turned to Avery.  Vincenzo handed him a room key.  “Don’t look so worried, Vin,” Avery said.  “I’ll protect your investment.” 


     That was what I was – an investment.  The men in the audience paid to see me.  I had just given them a show, but not one I had any control over.  Now, though, I wasn’t tied up.


     Avery started to walk towards the edge of the stage.  Deliberately I didn’t follow him.  He turned and came back to me.  He looked annoyed and impatient.  I said loudly enough that at least the men in front would be able to hear, “I’m glad it’s you, for my first time.”  I touched his arm and tried to exude innocence.  Vincenzo grinned at me from behind Avery. He seemed to understand what I was trying to do.  But Avery had been right; Vincenzo did look worried.    


     Again the noise from the audience threatened to overwhelm me.  One man yelled, “Your second time, it will be me!” 


     Avery took hold of my upper arm.  He wasn’t quite dragging me but his grip was firm.  He led me off the stage, ignoring the men we passed on our way out of the ballroom into the foyer where the front desk was.  He let go of me when we reached the elevators. While we waited he took a Blackberry out of his pocket and started scrolling through it. When the elevator came he barely looked up to press the button for the fifth floor.


     Still fiddling with his Blackberry, he brought me to what could have been a hotel room.  Large bed, a couple of armchairs, a cabinet, a little fridge, a bathroom.  Avery waved me to one of the chairs. I sank into it, grateful to be off my feet.  Avery went to the bed and stripped the pillowcases off the pillows.  He walked to the far corner of the room and threw one of the cases over something protruding from the ceiling.  A camera.  He did the same thing to two other cameras in the room.  “I like privacy,” he said to me.    


     He brought me a glass of water. “Relax for a few minutes,” he said. “I have some business to take care of.”  He walked to the far side of the bed and made a call on his Blackberry  -- something about stock share prices.  I finished my water and put the glass on the floor.  Avery was droning on.  I closed my eyes.


     Someone’s hand was on my shoulder and I jumped.  I thought Vincenzo had come to get me.  But of course it was Avery.  “Wha . . .” I said stupidly.


     “You’ve been asleep for about an hour,” Avery said.  “But we’ve got all night.  Go freshen up.”


     I tried to be quick in the bathroom.  There were some toiletries next to the sink. I brushed my teeth, but my makeup had held so I left it alone.


     Avery was back on his Blackberry when I came out. I didn’t mean to sigh. He put down the device and turned to me.  “What’s the matter?” he asked.


     I wasn’t sure how to answer.  I was annoyed that he was taking too long to rape me?  I wanted him to care more about me than about his Blackberry? Both were absurd. 


     “I want to make this a good night for you, Belinda,” he said.  “But it will be easier for both of us if you communicate with me.”


     I took a breath.  “It’s just that I don’t know what I’m supposed to do,” I said. 


     Avery tilted his head and seemed to give me his full attention for the first time since we had left the ballroom. He walked over to me, crowding me. “Just like before. You’re supposed to let me be in charge.”


     I nodded.  “Yes, sir.”


     “Do you like that?” he asked.  “Giving control over to someone else?”


     “I don’t know,” I answered truthfully.  “I’m afraid.”


     “Of me?”


     “That you’ll hurt me,” I blurted.


     “I do like to hurt girls.” Oh god.  “I like the thrill of forcing a girl to take pleasure from my touch when she’s writhing in pain.”  I took a step back and bumped up against the wall. He followed me, so I was cornered.  I forced myself to look him in the eye, despite the pounding of my heart.


     “But not tonight, Belinda.  If you really are a virgin – ”  he looked at me questioningly and I nodded “ — when I enter you it might hurt, but I’ll minimize that. I’ll make you come so many times before that that you’ll barely notice.”  I gave him a skeptical look.  “What?” he said.       


     I thought for a moment.  “Why did you enter the contest?”


     He shrugged. “I liked your looks when you were on the stage.  Or, I liked how you looked at me.”  He pointed to the splotchy birthmark on his face.  “Most girls – most people – recoil, at least for a moment, when they first see me.  You didn’t.  And then when I saw those amateurs up there, groping you like you were one of those stress dolls, I felt an urge to help you.”  He paused.  “What else do you want to know?”  


     “Do you have a wife?  Or a girlfriend?”


     He looked taken aback, but he answered after a moment.  “I have an ex-wife, and a girlfriend.  And to save you your next questions, my girlfriend knows that I come here.”


     I tried to work this through.  “She knows that you come here so you can hurt girls?”


     He grinned.  “I don’t need to come here to find a woman who likes what I offer.  My girlfriend, for example. Not every time, but often enough.”  My surprise must have shown on my face because he said, “Don’t be so judgmental, Belinda.  People have all kinds of desires.  You might find eventually that you like pain.”  I didn’t think so.  “No, I come to Damascus because I can be selfish here.  A good hard fuck with no aftercare. I can blow off steam tonight and tomorrow be completely focused on the contract negotiations I came to town for.”  


     “You’re not from here?”


     “No.”  He shook his head.  “And I’m not going to tell you where I live.”  He caressed my cheek and then ran his fingers over my ear.  It made me feel shivery. “I like that you’re an ear girl.”


     I thought to myself, “I’m a foot girl,” but I didn’t say that.  If he wouldn’t tell me where he was from I wasn’t going to share something so personal. 


     Avery took a step back.  “Have you ever seen a naked man before?”


     “No, sir.  I mean, just pictures.”


     “Undress me.”


     “Yes, sir,” I said.  He stood still as I unbuttoned his shirt and slid it off of him.  He was wearing an undershirt that was a pure, snowy white and better quality than most of the clothes I owned – had owned.  He raised his arms and I took the undershirt off over his head.  Then he pulled me towards him, so that my arm was against his naked chest.  “Tell me again,” he said, “that you’re glad it’s me who will take your virginity.  Tell me, not an audience.”  He looked almost angry.


     “I’m glad it’s you,” I said.


     “I want you to mean it.” 


     I wanted to mean it. I tried to mean it.  But before I could make headway he sighed and shrugged.  “You’ll learn to lie before you know it.”  His hand wandered to my breast.  “But inside your head you can be thinking about anyone you want.”  He squeezed my nipple.  “Remember that.”  He brought his other hand up and continued to fondle my breasts, sometimes softly, sometimes hard.  My pussy began to ache again.  I expelled a sharp breath.


     He stepped away from me and sat down on the bed.  “Sometimes, when you’re with someone else, it will be me inside your head,” he said.  He straightened his leg.  “Take off my shoes and socks.” I obeyed and he stood back up. “Now my pants.”  I unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants.  I accidently brushed my hand against his cock when I unzipped his fly.  As his pants fell to the floor he held my hand against his briefs for a second, pressing into it.  Then he let go and I took his underwear off, careful not to scrape him with the elastic band.


     His cock was semi-hard.  I didn’t have anything to compare it to, but it seemed big – too big to go inside me. 


     “I give you permission to touch me,” Avery said.  “Wherever you want.  You can explore me.”  I hesitated, and a look of annoyance flashed on his face.  “You won’t always have the choice to do what you want,” he said. 


     I brought my hands to his chest and touched his breasts the way that he had touched mine, caressing them, pinching his nipples (but not as hard as he had pinched mine).  Like magic his penis lengthened.  I touched it tentatively.  He stood still and let me run my fingertips up and down it.  The skin was silky and warm.  I went a little lower and his cock jerked. 


     “Enough,” he said.  Again, he had that undertone of frustration, even anger.  “Lay on the bed on your back.”


     I obeyed. He bent my legs and put his face between them.  And then he brought his tongue to me. The sensation hit me like a tidal wave.  I tried to squirm away but he was holding my thighs in place.  He softened the pressure, giving me a moment to catch up.  He pushed down again, focusing on my clit. Now the waves weren’t going to break on me; I was riding them.  And then suddenly there was pain in my pussy, which almost increased the pleasure.  I cried out.  He raised his mouth away from me.  “I’m stretching you,” he said.  “That was two fingers.  Let it wash over you.”  His lips and his tongue returned to me as he moved his fingers slowly in and out of me.  It hurt, but the pleasure built and built.  I was going to come. I did, exploding on him.


     He didn’t stop. His fingers were still going in and out of me.  His tongue still circled my clit.  This time when I came it was more drawn out, as I spasmed again and again on his fingers.


     Still he didn’t stop.  The sensation was too much.  I tried to pull away from him.  He stopped away only long enough to say, “Stay still.  I’m not done.” 


     I couldn’t speak.  I couldn’t move.  His tongue was gentler on me now, but I was so sensitive that it didn’t matter.  I came again, long and slow.  There was a noise, and it was me making incoherent sounds.


     He was saying my name.  I think he had been saying it for a while.  He was laying next to me.  “I want you to get on top of me,” he said.


     “I can’t move.”  I could barely form the words.


     “Yes you can.  Do it now.” 


     It took enormous effort for me to sit up. 


     “Good girl.  Straddle me.” 


     I climbed over him.  His cock was pointing at his chest. I sat on its base. 


     “Kneel up, and take me into you.” 


     It took me a minute to figure out the logistics, but I managed to get the tip of his cock into my pussy.


     “Good girl,” he said again.  He was holding the bottom of his cock.  “Now, sink into me.  Go at your own pace.”


     I pressed down.  It hurt more than his fingers had, but I was so wet and my body so loose that he went into me easily.  I sank lower and lower.  The pain didn’t stop, but now he was all the way inside me.  Avery grunted, and rolled his hips so that he was even deeper in me.  I cried out with the pain.  “You’re doing fine,” Avery said.  “Get used to me.” 


     He touched my clit lightly. “You can stay still, or you can move, whichever feels better to you.”  He added pressure to my clit, which made me jerk and rise on his cock a little.  Avery grunted again, but only his fingers followed my clit, lighter now. I sank down onto them.  My pussy still hurt but his fingers felt so good.  He moved them away.  I rose on his cock, trying to entice them back.  There they were.  When I moved, no matter how slowly, he touched my clit.  When I stopped he pulled back.  So I moved up and down.  The pain was still there but I didn’t notice it.  I just wanted his finger on my clit.  And then the pain was gone, and I was sliding easily up and down on him, and his fingers were dancing on me.  I was no longer consciously moving on him.  I was jerking, trying to get all the sensation at once.  Now his fingers were constantly firm on my clit.  “Oh god oh god oh god,” I said, and I think he was saying the same thing but I couldn’t really tell because of the rushing in my ears.  I came, screaming, and he jolted up into me, letting out a whimpering groan. It added to my pleasure, knowing that I had made him come.


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