Saturday, May 21, 2022

Chapter 7 of Damascus, my smutty novel in progress, "Sex Slave Belinda is Prepared for Anal Sex"

 If you want to read the previous chapters of this novel, click on Damascus under "labels' on the right-hand side of this blog.

And, if you've been eagerly awaiting the next chapter, thanks for your patience.

Without further ado, Chapter 7: 


I managed to crawl off Avery and slump onto the bed next to him, my head on the bare pillow.  I was too tired to move any more.  “You did good,” he said, and he rested his hand on my stomach.  But then he rolled away, put on his briefs and undershirt, and picked up his Blackberry.


     I’m not sure how much time had passed when I opened my eyes.  Avery was coming out of the bathroom.  His hair was wet and he was fully dressed.  “Are you leaving?” I asked. 


     He nodded.  “You can rest as long as you want,” he said. 


     “So that’s it?” I asked.  But Avery had already returned his attention to his Blackberry.  He gave me a kind of absent-minded wave as he walked out, turning off the overhead light and shutting the door behind him. I felt stupid.  Of course that was it.  A man didn’t stay and snuggle with a whore, or with a sex slave.  Avery had told me that himself.


     I used the bathroom and then crawled back into the bed.  When I opened my eyes again a hazy light was coming through a glazed glass window.  Unsure of what I was supposed to do, I got up and brushed my teeth again. 


     The door opened as I was coming out of the bathroom. Kaylee came in, followed by Tonna carrying a tray of food.  “We thought you’d never wake up,” Tonna said. 


     “How did you know I did?”


     Kaylee pointed to one of the cameras.  “I think Vincenzo was holding his breath all night until Avery finally uncovered the lens and he could see that you were all right.”  She grasped my hands.  “You are all right, aren’t you, honey?  He treated you okay?”


     I nodded, but my eyes filled with tears.  “Oh, honey, what did he do to you?” 


     “Nothing,” I said, knowing how stupid I sounded. “Nothing bad.  He made me come over and over, and then he had me get on top of him, and he made me come again while he was inside me.”


     Tonna and Kaylee both stared at me like I was crazy.  “It’s just, he wasn’t very nice,” I said.


     I remembered suddenly what they had said about their first times.  “I know I should be grateful.  It could have been worse.”


     Tonna said, “I guess that’s what everyone says – ‘it could have been worse.’  Especially with that man – there’s nothing like a rich sadist.” 


     “You know about that?” I asked her.  “Have you been with him?”


     Tonna shook her head. “I have,” Kaylee said.  “He knows his way around a woman’s body, how to go just up to the edge of too much.  He hurt me, but he didn’t injure me, and he made me come, which is more than a lot of them do.”  She sighed. “In the end it was just a night’s work.” 


     There was a sharp rap on the door.  Vincenzo opened it and stepped in. Kaylee and Tonna exchange surprised looks.  Vincenzo ignored them. 


     “How are you doing?” he asked.  He leaned against the doorframe and crossed his arms.  I felt warm when I saw him, like we shared a secret.  I remembered him on the stage last night, always hovering just within sight, acting like he was ready to pounce. 


     He frowned, and I realized I hadn’t answered his question.  “It could have been worse,” I said, and added, “Sir.”  Tonna stifled a giggle, and Vincenzo glared at her.  He nodded abruptly.  “Make sure she sees the medic,” he said to Kaylee.  He glanced at the tray Tonna had brought in.  “And make sure she eats something.”  He turned abruptly and left the room. 


     There was quiet in the room for a minute, and then Tonna and Kaylee burst out laughing.  “He’s always such a charmer,” Kaylee said. 


     Tonna brought the tray and put it on the bed.  “You’d better eat,” she said.  “He’ll probably be watching you through the camera as soon as he gets back to his office.” 


     I sat on the bed and took a bite of omelet. I was suddenly ravenous.  “Is the food here always this good?” I asked, trying to remember to chew and swallow.


     Tonna laughed.  “They don’t starve us,” she said.


     When I finished Kaylee said, “You might as well take a shower here.  Have some privacy while you can.”


     I suddenly remembered that I was naked, and that Kaylee and Tonna were as well.  I couldn’t believe how quickly I had become used to it.  “Will you wait for me?” I asked, feeling shy. 


     Kaylee nodded. “When you’re done we’ll show you around.” 


     I showered quickly.  When I finished, Kaylee and Tonna brought me back to Dr. Lorenzo.  He asked me a few questions about how I was feeling and whether I was in any pain.  When I said was a little sore he put me in the gynecological table but barely touched me. “No point in doing any more poking and prodding,” he said.  He seemed more concerned with the cut on my arm that he had looked at the day before.  We were in and out in five minutes.


     “Okay,” Tonna said cheerfully.  “Time for the tour.  Let’s start with the dorm.”  She and Kaylee led me up two floors of a fire exit staircase and into a big room with cots lining the walls.  They brought me over to one on the far side. “This one’s yours,” Tonna said.  “Mine’s here,” and she pointed to the next one over, “and Kaylee’s is the next one.”


     The cots were cheap metal, like a summer camp might have. A wooden wardrobe was next to each of them.  A combination lock, still in its packaging, was on my bed.  Kaylee picked it up and handed it to me.  “You’ll need to use this if you don’t want girls rifling through your stuff.” 


     “What stuff?” I asked. Kaylee opened the wardrobe next to my bed.  The clothes I had taken off in the room when Vincenzo had made me strip were in it.  Tonna picked up my dingy sweater and laughed.  “I think naked is an improvement,” she said.


     “Oh, I doubt that.” The woman walking up to us was stunning.  Raven black hair that fell to the middle of her back, a porcelain complexion, and mesmerizing light blue eyes. And her breasts were magnificent. They were large but beautifully shaped, with not a hint of sag. Her nipples were a dusky rose shade, and they pointed at me.  “Some assets should be left—" she looked me up and down—“mysterious.”  I knew she was insulting me but I didn’t really understand what she was saying.


     “Ooh, that’s a big word, Amber,” Kaylee said. “Did someone tell you that’s what you were when you were sucking their cock in the ballroom last night?”


     Amber flicked her hair over her shoulder. “Screw you, Kaylee.  I see you made a little friend.” Her eyes narrowed, and she said to me, “That was quite a show you put on last night.  We were starting to wonder what Vin would do with you if you never came.”  She said to someone over my shoulder, “Isn’t that right, Heath?”


     “These girls giving you trouble, Amber?”


     Heath came up beside her and put his arm around her. Amber’s face froze for a second but then she smiled at him.  “They wouldn’t dare, not in front of you.” 


     Heath puffed up at that.  “Come on,” he said.  “You’re wasting your time with them.”  Amber’s face took on an almost vacuous glaze.  “And I have time to give you another private lesson.”  He led her out of the room.


     “Between the two of them, I don’t know who’s playing who,” Tonna said, shaking her head. 


     Kaylee clucked her tongue.  “Amber’s playing herself,” she said.  “Heath is too dumb too know she only chases him because of his uncle, and Amber’s too dumb to know that the Emperor won’t give him the time of day.”


     As they were talking a group of five or six girls came up to us.  Kaylee introduced them to me.  I wasn’t quite able to put all the names she spouted – Lori, Vixen, Marjie, Suzette, a couple of others – to the faces.  They giggled around me in an undifferentiated mass.  But when Vixen turned to talk to a girl behind her, I gasped.  Her back had ugly red lines criss-crossing it.  “What happened to you?” I asked.


     Vixen turned back to me.  She had marks across her bressts.  “Sadist,” she said with a shrug.  “Means I get a couple of days off.” 


     I couldn’t look away. “Doesn’t it hurt?” 


     For a moment that same blank look that Amber had had when Heath had touched her flashed across Vixen’s face.  She shrugged.  “Yeah,” she said shortly.  Her eyes filled with tears.


     Everyone was quiet for a minute, taking it in.  I was sure that most or all of them had been through the same thing.  And that I would as well. 


     “Who wants to give Belinda a tour?” Kaylee asked, a bit too briskly.  Several of the girls joined in, and as a group they showed me around Damascus.  They took me floor by floor through the tall, narrow building.  There were three other living quarters, each with about 25 beds, all similar to ours.  A gym, a couple of rooms with couches and a TV, and several floors with private rooms like I had been in the night before. Throughout, the girls talked and giggled, even Vixen. 


     We ended the tour in the cafeteria, which was not that different than the cafeteria at my college – except that the food was much, much better. As I ate my grilled salmon – a food I had not tasted since before my mother died, the girls chattered with each other, sometimes including me. 


     Amber came in as we were finishing.  Her eyes were bloodshot but she still managed to look snottier than the snottiest cheerleader in my high school.  She sneered at me.  “Enjoy the buttfucking tonight,” she said as she walked past. 


     “What did she mean by that?” I asked. 


     The other girls at the table stared at me.  After a moment one of them, I wasn’t sure of her name, said, “It’s your second night in the lottery tonight.  Don’t you know that?” 


     “Second night?”  It sounds stupid now, but I actually had not given any thought to what would happen that night.  I vaguely assumed that some man would rent me for the night.  But it never occurred to me that I would be in front of the crowd again. “And tonight it’s not my regular virginity . . . “


     Someone stifled a laugh.  “Right, Honey,” Tonna said kindly.  “Tonight your ass will be auctioned.”  I remembered Vincenzo had asked me about whether anyone had ever fucked me up the ass, as he had so delicately put it. I also remembered him putting his finger up there, and that it had felt good when Ricky had touched me there.  But a cock going inside my butthole?  How would it fit?


     “She’s gone pale as a ghost,” one of the girls said.


     “Will it be bad?” I asked.     


     Tonna shrugged.  “Depends on the man,” she said. 


     “Oh, hush,” Kaylee said to Tonna.  She glared at everyone around the table.  “Sometimes it can be bad, but it shouldn’t be tonight.  Just like last night, those men will be competing to give you pleasure.  And just like last night, the man who succeeds will get to take you to a room.” 


     “Do you think it will be Avery again?” I asked.


     “I don’t think so, honey.  He doesn’t usually come here two nights in a row.”  She looked worried.  “Is that okay?  You said you didn’t like him much.”


     “No, it’s a relief,” I answered.  “It’s just a lot to take in.”


     “Maybe not,” one of the girls said. “They come in all sizes.”  Everyone at the table started laughing.  I joined in, and again wondered how I could be having fun. 


     When everyone quieted down I asked, “Are there any other surprises for tonight I should know about?”


     “I don’t think so, honey,” Kaylee said.  “It’s mostly like last night.  I’ll do your hair, and you’ll get a massage, and then it’s the show, and then you’ll go to the room with the winner.”


     “And after tonight?” I asked. 


     “After tonight men will pay for you, and . . .”


     I shook my head and raised my hand for her to stop.  I realized I wasn’t ready to think that far ahead. 


     A bell chimed. The girls all got up from the table.  “Thirty minutes until opening,” Tonna explained to me.  She hugged me.  “I love you,” she said.  “Everything will be fine.”


     I looked after her as she walked away, stunned at her words.  I loved her too, and I loved Kaylee, and a man putting his cock up my butt wouldn’t change that. 


     Kaylee led me back to the salon, where she washed and blew out my hair, and then she brought me downstairs.  We went into a different massage room than the one I had been in yesterday.  When the door opened, I looked up expecting to see Ricky.  Instead a middle aged white man walked in. He was tall, with graying hair and a beard that was a bit scraggly. He dismissed Kaylee.  “Don’t feel bad,” he said to me.  “Everyone’s always disappointed when I’m not Ricky.”    


     “Where is he?” I asked.  There had been that weird tension between him and Vincenzo yesterday.  I hoped he hadn’t gotten into trouble.


     “Working on some other girl.  I’m Erik, but you will call me Sir.”  He cracked his knuckles and waved for me to lie down on the massage table.  He began working on my shoulders, just as Ricky had. His hands were bigger than Ricky’s, and not as warm. He worked his way down my back, and nudged my legs apart.  When he dripped warm oil between my ass cheeks I closed my legs.  “Behave,” he said.  I opened my legs again, and his fingers moved into my crack, spreading lubricant there.  When he touched my asshole a chill ran through me. Ricky had touched me there, but this felt so clinical.  And then his finger was inside me.  My arousal came suddenly. Erik’s bored, disinterested touch was humiliating; my arousal more so.  I tried to hide it.  But he was moving his finger in and out of my butt, and I’d never felt anything like it.  I could feel my juices leaking out of my pussy and dripping down to my clit. 


     Erik stopped molesting my butthole.  He quickly rubbed my wetness around my clit.  “I’ve lubed you up,” he said.  “That will make it easier for you tonight.”  He slapped my butt.  “You’re all set.  You can get up now.”


     This was so quick compared to the long, sensual full body massage Ricky had given me the night before that it took me a moment to realize it was over.  I sat up.  “Don’t touch yourself,” he said, and pointed to a camera over the door.  Then he left. 


     I looked around the room, trying to find something to do with my nervous energy.  I walked over to the cabinets lining one wall and opened a door. It was filled with bottles of massage oil.  The next one had sheets on the bottom shelf and towels on the top.  I was just about to open the next one when I heard someone clear his throat.  I turned around. Vincenzo.  “We don’t keep the amputated fingers in this room,” he said, a glint of amusement in his eyes. 


     “Hi,” I said. “Sir.”  Would I ever get used to that?


     “Are you sore from last night?” 


     “A little.  It’s not too bad.” 


     “Erik treat you all right?”


     I shrugged  “He was . . . efficient.”


     That glint of amusement again.  “Bend over the table. I want to make sure you’re prepared.”


     I hesitated for second. “Right now, Belinda,” he said, his voice hardening.  I obeyed him, placing my belly on the massage table.  This was not the first time he had had me assume this position, not the first time his finger had been in my ass. It was just as humiliating this time, but now the humiliation pooled in my groin.  I knew to keep my legs spread for him.  His finger went in and out smoothly.  “Good,” he said.  “If I touch your pussy will you come?”


     “No, sir,” I said.  Erik was no Ricky.  But then Vincenzo’s hand went below my pussy, to my clit.  His finger rested there for a second, and then he was massaging me. It felt so good. He put  his other hand on my lower back and pressed gently. I was going to come. “Stop,” I said. “It’s too much.”  I squirmed away from him and stood up.  Would he punish me?  “I’m sorry,” I said.   


     Vincenzo stared at me, like he was confused.  “I’m sorry, sir,” I said again. 


     “It’s all right,” he said. “You’ll learn control in time.”  He broke eye contact.  “I’ll send Kaylee in for your makeup.” He turned and walked out the door – although if I didn’t know better I would say he scurried.


     Kaylee came in a couple of minutes later with her box of cosmetics.  “You okay, honey?” she asked.  I nodded.  “It’s a bigger crowd tonight.  You put on a good show last night and word got around.”  She did my makeup quickly and showed me my face in the mirror.  It struck me as odd that I recognized myself.  Oh, I looked better with Kaylee’s expert artistry on my face than I ever had before I came to Damascus, but I was still recognizably me, Belinda. How was that possible? 


     “C’mon, Honey.  Vincenzo told me to bring you out when you’re ready.” 


     I took a breath.  “I’m ready,” I said.  And I was.    

 PS from Jasmine Gold:  Just a reminder that if you enjoy my naked sex slave smut, check out my finished novel Mindgames, on Amazon here.  

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