Ginny looked around Tom’s bedroom. She had never seen it before, or his house, or his town. The room was very much like him, she thought, spare and masculine with its hard wood floor and simple furnishings. A few framed black and white photographs of trees and mountains, obviously chosen and hung with precision and care, decorated the walls. The queen bed boasted a surprisingly crimson bedspread that gave the room color – and made the bed its focal point.
Tom came in, carrying Ginny’s overnight bag. He put it down and stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her, pressing into her. “Do you like what you see?”
Ginny pushed back, grinding her ass into him. “Yes,” she said, “and I like what I feel.”
Tom nuzzled her ear. “Are you up for playing tonight? Or are you too tired?” Traffic had been horrendous and Ginny had arrived two hours later than planned.
“I’m good,” she said. “I had coffee at the rest stop.”
Tom pulled away from her. “How are you feeling?” he asked. Ginny rarely drank coffee, and when she did it tended to make her emotional.
Ginny shrugged. “I mean, I was already nervous about meeting your sons tomorrow. Now I’m a bit more nervous about it. But it beat falling asleep on the drive.”
Even without seeing Tom’s face Ginny could follow his waves of thought. First, the disapproval of her driving while tired. Second, his acceptance that she had done what made the most sense in the situation. Third, his refocusing on her. He said, “They’re excited to meet you. It will be fine.”
Ginny refrained from rolling her eyes. She loved Tom, but part of loving him was recognizing his weaknesses, and one was that at times he could have the emotional intelligence of a gnat. They had decided together, now that they had admitted that they were in a “Relationship” rather than merely Dominant/submissive with benefits, that she would meet Tom’s three sons first, and then he would meet her son and daughter. Tom’s sons were young adults and out of the house, and the stakes were a little lower. Nevertheless, it was nerve-wracking.
“Don’t drift away,” Tom said. “Stay with me.” He turned her around so that they were face to face. He pulled her towards him and kissed her, more sweetly than passionately. “I missed you,” he said. Another kiss. “I love you.” Another. “I want to fuck you until the only thing on your mind is the touch of my body.” Another. “Do you want that?” He pulled back so Ginny could answer.
Ginny nodded. “Yes, Sir,” she said.
“You want to play?” Tom confirmed. Most of the time they took the D/s roles that had first brought them together, but sometimes, recently, they had eschewed the roleplaying for sheer physicality.
Ginny nodded again. “Yes, Master.”
“Are you wet for me?” When Ginny didn’t answer immediately, Tom said, “You weren’t fantasizing about naughty nuns or kidnapped spies on the drive?”
Ginny shook her head. “No, Master. I was worrying about tomorrow.”
“Good,” Tom said. “Tonight, everything you feel will come directly from me.” He kissed her again, this time slowly, soulfully, one hand caressing the side of her neck, the other pulling him towards her. Ginny responded, wrapping her arms around him. Tom stopped. “No, slut,” he said. “Put your hands behind your back.” Ginny obeyed. Tom squeezed her breasts under her sweater. Ginny grunted a little. “That’s right, my slut,” he said. “Your pussy is starting to wake up now, isn’t it?”
“Yes, Master,” Ginny said. She spread her legs hopefully. Tom ignored that. Instead he unbuttoned her sweater, a prim librarian-like cardigan. He palmed her breasts again over her blouse. Ginny took a step in the direction of the bed.
“Stand still,” Tom ordered. Ginny obeyed, but with a slight frown. Standing was her least favorite position, as Tom knew. “Don’t pout, slut,” he said. He continued to caress her breasts, but his touch was lighter than Ginny liked. She sighed. “And don’t be impatient,” Tom said. He kissed her neck, just above her collar bone, sending trickles of sensation down her.
Ginny leaned into the feeling. She imagined she was a captive on a pirate ship, her sensuality being tested by the captain before he sells her into slavery.
Tom pulled away from her. Ginny smiled at him, expecting him to ask where her mind had taken her. He had done this a few times lately, and she has adored sharing her fantasies with him, his responses making her trust that he knew and loved the darkest and best parts of her.
But Tom did not ask. Instead he frowned at her. “Tonight, I want you to stay with me.” At Ginny’s blank look, he said, “No fantasies. Just me.”
His words felt like a blow to Ginny. She clutched her hands behind her back. Her eyes filled unexpectedly with tears. “Yes, Master,” she murmured.
“Ginny, look at me,” Tom ordered her. Ginny looked up. “I love you. I love your stories. I love your fantasies. I love that you have the courage to share them with me.” Ginny nodded, and smiled a little tremulously. “But tonight, I don’t want you to go inside your head. I want you to let me give you pleasure. I want you to stay with me. Okay?”
Ginny nodded. “Okay, Master,” she said.
“Take off your sweater and your blouse.” Ginny obeyed, but passive-aggressively threw them onto the bed. Tom hated untidiness.
She was wearing a fancy black bra that barely covered her nipples. “Hands behind your back again, slut,” Tom said. Ginny obeyed. Tom looked at the bra appreciatively. “Nice,” he said. “Is this new?”
Ginny nodded. “I bought it for you, Master.”
Tom kissed her on the lips. “Then let me unwrap it appropriately.” He leisurely ran his fingers over the silky material, then finally pushed one of the cups down so that Ginny’s nipple peeked out. He bent down, put his mouth around it and bit her gently. Ginny cried out. She could feel Tom’s smile against her skin. He moved to her other breast.
Every time Tom squeezed one of her nipples with his hands or mouth, Ginny felt an answering squeeze in her pussy. But as he continued to worship her breasts, with no sign of interest in other parts of her body, her feet began to ache despite the running shoes she was wearing. She shifted a little, longing for the bed. She was in a large living room, forced to watch while her best friend was being molested. She shook her head as the man’s hand moved up her thigh to–
Tom pulled back from her. Ginny opened her eyes that she had not realized she had closed. “Stay with me, slut,” Tom said.
“Could we move to your bed, Master?” Ginny asked.
“No,” Tom said. He lifted Ginny’s knee and pulled her towards him. With her hands clasped behind her back she had to take a little hop to keep her balance, which somehow ended with Tom’s cock pressed into her clit. Ginny gasped. She hooked her leg around Tom. “Who do you feel, my slut?” Tom asked.
“You, Master.”
“Good slut,” Tom said. He unentangled Ginny’s leg from him. “Take off the rest of your clothes.”
“Can I sit to take off my sneakers, Master?”
“Take off your pretty bra first.”
Ginny complied. After she dropped her bra on the bed she turned her back to Tom and wiggled her ass, hoping to entice him. But Tom said, “Pull your jeans down to your ankles.”
Ginny unbuckled her belt. She slowly unbuttoned and unzipped her jeans and pushed them down. She tried to be sexy but she felt a bit ridiculous. She hoped Tom would like the black panties that matched her bra. She faced him again and put her hands behind her back without Tom asking.
“Come here, slut,” Tom said. Ginny shuffled towards him awkwardly. Then Tom’s forefinger was on her clit, outside her panties. Ginny gasped. He cupped her mound. “You’ve soaked your pretty panties, slut,” Tom said. “Did you buy them for me, along with the bra?”
“Yes, Master.”.
“And now you’ve soiled them,” Tom said. “I may need to punish you for that.” He paused. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you, slut?”
“Yes, Master,” Ginny said.
“Hmmm,” Tom said. “Let the punishment fit the crime.” He gripped the panties in front and back and pulled them up, until their thin strip was sawing a line from Ginny’s clit to her ass crack. The pressure was right on the line between pleasure and pain.
But she protested, “Tom, they were expensive. You’ll stretch them.”
Tom frowned, but he stopped immediately. “Take them off,” he said tersely. Ginny did not ask again if she could sit on the bed. She bent down to untie her sneakers, then stood up to kick them off. Her jeans came next, then her panties, but she kept her socks on.
“Socks, too, slut,” Tom said.
Ginny took them off. “Can I get my flipflops out of my bag?” she asked. Her feet cramped easily and she absolutely despised standing barefoot. She wore flipflops like other people wore slippers. Did Tom know this? She wasn’t sure.
“Is there anything in your bag you don’t want me to see?”
Ginny shrugged. “It’s messy. I just threw things in there. I was running late.”
Tom tsked, but brought her bag over to the chair and unzipped it. He found her flipflops and handed them to her. Grateful, Ginny slid her feet into them. “Thank you, Master.”
“Hands behind your back, slut.” Ginny obeyed. Tom just looked at her for a minute. Ginny shifted uncomfortably. “You don’t like that position?” Tom asked. Without waiting for an answer, he said, “We’ll have to do something about that.” He opened his closet door and brought out two velcro cuffs that were attached by straps to a wooden dowel. Tom put the dowel over the top of the bedroom door and shut it. He pulled the straps until the dowel hit the top of the closed door, leaving the cuffs dangling at Ginny’s shoulder height. “Come, slut,” he said. He took Ginny by the arm and led her over to the door, turning her so her back was towards it. “Unclasp your hands,” he said. Ginny obeyed. He attached the cuffs to her wrists. “The advantage to being in my own house is that I know how to set up my equipment.”
“You’ve played with other people in this room?” Ginny asked, suddenly outside of the game.
Tom didn’t answer immediately. He stood close to her and ran his fingers up and down her torso. “Yes,” he said. “You know that I dated after I moved here, after my divorce. And you also know I haven’t dated anyone else since I met you.” He kissed her neck.
“Did you introduce the other women to your sons?” Ginny asked.
Tom moved his mouth to Ginny’s ear. “No, my darling,” he whispered gently. “You’re the first. What else do you want to know?” His hand traveled down to her abdomen.
“Did you use these restraints on other women?”
Tom’s finger rubbed just above Ginny’s clit. “Yes,” he said. “Are you jealous?”
“And your other toys?”
“Nothing that goes inside,” Tom said. “Nothing that touches your pussy.” He paused. “Except my cock, and I always wore a condom and you know I’ve been tested.” He touched her clit. “Do you want to safeword on the restraints?”
“No, but Tom – I want to ask you – Master –”
“I give you permission, slut.” Tom circled her clit.
Ginny had to fight to speak coherently. “Why didn’t things work out with those other women?”
“Because they weren’t you, slut. Because I wasn’t who I am when I’m with you.”
“Did you like them?”
Tom pushed a finger inside Ginny, only a little bit. “I told you about them before we ever met,” he said. “I went on some coffee dates.” He pulled his finger out and pushed it in again. Ginny groaned. “There were a handful of women I dated more than once, and two that I dated for a few months.” In and out again, slowly. “I liked them, but not like I like you, and I didn’t love them. They lived locally, and they came to my house sometimes, and I used these restraints on them.” Ginny squirmed on his finger. “ And I have no regrets, because the experience I had with them helped me to become the dom that was right for you.” He pushed his finger all the way into Ginny's pussy. She whimpered, but then said,
“If they’re local, do you still see them sometimes?”
He added another finger. This was a bit painful, but when Tom touched her clit at the same time Ginny felt warmth spread throughout her body. “Laura moved away. Occasionally I bump into Candace at the supermarket. We parted amicably, and we chat for a few minutes when we see each other.”
“Is she still single?”
Tom sighed again, and stilled his fingers inside her. Ginny could see him mastering his impatience at her continued questions. “She dated a woman named Rosalie for a while, who I also know slightly, but they broke up. As far as I know, Candace is currently single.”
“Do you want to have a threesome? I mean with me and Candace, not with Candace and Rosalie.”
“What?!” Tom slid his fingers out of Ginny, and then chuckled. “You’re very good, slut. If that’s something you’re serious about, you can bring it up sometime when you are allowed to fantasize about someone other than me. That’s not tonight. If you have more questions you need to safeword.” Ginny didn’t say anything. “Spread your legs wide,” Tom ordered her.
He grabbed a pillow from the bed and threw it on the floor in front of Ginny. He went down to his knees and spread Ginny’s outer lips with his thumbs. “You will tell me what I’m doing so that I know that you are paying attention to me.” He leaned forward and surrounded Ginny’s clit with his mouth as he ran his tongue across it.
Ginny leaned back against the door, banging her head. “You’re eating me, Master. You’ve got your mouth around my clit, and your tongue is going back and forth, and . . . ”
When Ginny didn’t continue, Tom pulled back. “If you want me to keep going, you need to say what I’m doing.”
Ginny thrust her crotch forward. “You’re blowing on my clit. And now you’re licking me again. Your tongue is on my clit, and you have a finger, maybe more, I can’t tell, on my slit, not really moving, you know that I love that. You're using less pressure on my clit now, but your finger, it’s just one, it’s sliding inside me, and now out. If you suck harder on my clit you’ll make me come. You’re my master, you have full control over me, but you’re kind, and –”
Tom pulled away from her. “Who is your master, Ginny?” He looked up at her face.
It took Ginny a few seconds to answer. “You are Tom. You’re my master.”
“Was I your master when you were talking, at the end?”
Ginny didn’t answer.
“Was I, slut?”
“No, Master. I was in that book about sex slaves, Mindgames, the Jasmine Gold novel. You know how much I love that book. I was Rose, the slavegirl, and you were Animal, the artist character, and –”
“Hush, Ginny.” Tom stood up. “I know how much you love that book because, as you’ll recall, I bought the paperback for you so you wouldn’t have to keep reading it online. Now, let me know when you’re ready to be with me, only me.” He walked over to a window, pulled the curtain away from it, and looked out.
“I’m sorry, Master. I’ll do better,” Ginny said. Tom didn’t move. “I will be with you. I won’t go into my head. It’s just that my feet hurt. If I could –”
“No,” Tom said. “I know you’re uncomfortable. Nevertheless, you will allow me, only me, to make you come.” He let the curtain drop and turned to her. “Won’t you?”
“I’ll try, Master. But I don’t know if I can while I’m standing without –”
“You let me worry about that,” Tom said. He grinned a bit evilly. “After all, we have all night and you’ve had coffee.” He sat on his bed and got undressed, leaving his undershirt on. He put his shirt, socks and boxers into his laundry bin, and hung up his slacks in his closet. He left his shoes on the floor, which Ginny took as the only indication that he was excited to move forward with her. Well, that, and his raging erection.
He pressed his body against her, pushing her back against the door. She wanted to put her arms around him, but they were still restrained. He pushed even closer against her. There were chest to chest, leg to leg. He kissed her ear. She was melting against his hardness. She lifted her foot, trying to invite him in.
“Who are you thinking about now?”
“You, Tom. You, Master.”
“Do you want me inside you?”
“Yes, Master, please. But I think that will make me come.”
“No, it won’t.” Tom stepped away. He grabbed a condom from his bedside table and put it on.
“Why are you –”
“Hush, Ginny. Because I’m going to come inside you, and when I eat you again afterwards I want to taste only you.”
He turned Ginny around, so that her back was towards him. With the straps twisted her wrists were now restrained a bit higher than her shoulders. He grabbed her hips and pulled her back so that she was slightly bent at the waist. He spread her legs with his foot, his hands still on her hips. It was an awkward position. Ginny stiffened as she felt him at the entry to her pussy.
“It’s okay if this is a bit uncomfortable at first, slut,” Tom said. “But, Ginny, I want you to tell me if I hurt you, okay?”
“Yes, sir,” Ginny said.
Tom let go of one of Ginny’s hips and guided himself into her. He gave a loud, satisfied sigh. Ginny grunted. It was uncomfortable, as Tom had said, but her pussy was as wet and relaxed as it could be when she had not come. Tom eased himself all the way into her. He lifted one of her legs by the thigh to improve the angle. He pulled most of the way out and slid back in, slowly, and repeated that a few times. Ginny’s discomfort gave way to pure desire. She wriggled, trying to create some contact with her clit, but at that angle it was impossible. She was in a harem, made to suffer for the entertainment of the other women. “Please, touch my front,” she cried. “Please.”
“Who are you asking?” Tom did not move his hand around to her front, and did not change the speed of his slow thrusts. When she did not answer, he said, “Who, Ginny?”
“I’m sorry, Tom, sir,” Ginny panted. “But, please, please touch my clit. Let me come on you. Only you, Tom.”
“No, Ginny,” Tom said. “I’ll make you come when there’s no one but me in your head. But right now I’m going to take my own pleasure.” He continued his slow thrusts in and out. Ginny focused on the sensation of his cock in her pussy. She did not love intercourse; Tom knew that. But this sensation, with Tom’s angle hitting her in a way that was just so, and Tom moving so slowly in her – she wondered whether she might actually come without Tom touching her clit. She started to move with him, as much as her position would allow. But then Tom started thrusting faster, and it wasn’t as nice. Ginny had to brace her muscles so she wouldn’t bang against the door. Tom didn’t seem to care. Of course not; he was the mean nephew of a mob boss, and Ginny needed to be rescued. But he said, out of context, “If you don’t safeword I’m going to keep going until I come in you.” He continued his thrusts, rougher and rougher. It didn’t hurt, because now he was the mob boss, who was doing this for show, to keep other bosses from raping her, because he was secretly kind. If only he would touch her clit.
“Please,” she said. “Oh, god, please.”
“No,” Tom growled. “You haven’t earned it.” He moved faster in her and then gave one final thrust and a strangled cry.
He stayed inside her for a minute, breathing hard. He pulled out and put her leg gently on the floor. “Turn around,” he said. Ginny started to turn in the wrong direction, tangling her restraints more. She turned in the opposite direction. Tom was throwing his tied condom in the trash. He went to the bed and lay on it, his cock somehow still semi-hard, or semi-hard again. “I’m going to rest,” he said, “and you’re going to watch me.” He closed his eyes.
Ginny sighed unhappily. Her pussy ached with need, and her feet hurt, and her arms were getting tired. She shifted her weight back and forth. And Tom, that fucker, seemed to be asleep. He looked so peaceful. His lips curved in a tiny smile. And his body – really, it was excellent for a man of his age. He wasn’t a gym rat, but he exercised regularly and had good genes, and was long and lean. She wished she could touch his biceps. She wished she could touch him. She wished he would touch her.
How long did he intend to leave her like this? She was growing bored, and wanted to go into her head. But Tom didn’t want that. What if she fantasized about him? Would that be acceptable? Well, he was asleep, so fuck him. He had said he would go down on her again. She thought about his tongue on her, contrasting with the hardness of his finger on her slit. Oh god, thinking about this was making the ache in her pussy almost unbearable.
Tom opened his eyes and stretched. “Hello, my pet,” he said. “Are you behaving?”
“Yes, Master,” Ginny said.
“Hmm,” Tom said as he sat up. “Not fantasizing?”
“I was, Master,” Ginny said, rushing to add, “But about you.”
Tom stood up and walked over to her. “Really, slut? Was I a TSA agent strip searching you, or a college professor punishing you for a bad grade?”
“No, Master,” Ginny said. “You were you, in this room, eating me.”
Tom smiled. “And in your fantasy, did you like that?”
“Yes, Master, only –”
“Only what, slut?”
“Only it made me ache for you.”
“As you should, my slut.”
“You did say that you would eat me again.”
“You did seem to like it when I did it before. But you didn’t stay with me. Will you this time, slut? Will you stay with me?” Tom came closer. He was standing directly in front of Ginny, almost touching her. “Will you let me be the one who makes you come?”
“Tom, you always are. Is that what you think? That you’re not?”
“Relax, Ginny,” Tom said. “I know I am. But for tonight, I want it to be all me. I want to give you that. The sheer sensation of me, of you relaxing into me.” His finger found her slit, her clit. “Even though you’re uncomfortable. Because you’re uncomfortable. I want to give you this gift. Will you let me do this for you?”
“Tom, my fantasies don’t take anything away from you.”
“I know.” Tom continued to rub her. “But tonight, I want to give you more. I want to do all the work. I want you to be able to let your mind go.”
“I like my mind,” Ginny pouted.
“I love your mind,” Tom said. “I’m asking you to do this for me, for tonight.” He moved his hand away from her. “Will you?” He kissed her, still tasting of her from earlier. “Please, my slut?”
Ginny nodded. “I”ll try. But I really don’t know if –”
“You don’t need to know. Put yourself in my hands.” He lowered himself down onto the pillow again. “In my mouth. Just feel me.”
And Tom’s mouth was on her again, surrounding her clit, his tongue laving her. Ginny’s back arched. She was going to come. She was so ready for him.
But Tom pulled back. “You see, my pet?” he said.
“Yes,” Ginny said frantically. “Please, do that again.”
“No,” Tom said. “I’m going to keep you on edge for a while, and your sounds and your wriggles and your taste are going to make me hard, and then I’m going to fuck you, from the front, and you’re going to come all over me and I’m going to come in you.” He kissed her thighs and fondled her ass. It felt good, but Ginny was no longer on the verge of coming. She noticed the aching of her feet again. And then Tom’s mouth was back on her clit. It took less than a minute for Ginny to be ready to explode again, and again Tom pulled back.
Tom repeated this cycle – Ginny wasn’t sure how many times. Three? Four? And then, when he returned his mouth to her clit, she cried out. “Tom, you’ll make me come. If you want to be inside of me – “ She groaned as Tom pulled away from her. He stood up and sat on his bed, just looking at her, his erection jutting up. Ginny was panting, her pussy aching. Still Tom just looked at her. When she caught her breath, when her need had settled from a burning fire to mere heat, Tom stood up and walked over to her. “Are you ready for me, pet?” he asked her.
Ginny nodded. Tom lifted one of her knees and then entered her, smoothly, perfectly. “It will take me longer than last time,” Tom said. Just as when he had entered her from behind, he moved in her slowly. But face to face was different. Tom kissed her, open mouthed, sloppily. Ginny tasted herself on him. She wrapped her leg around him, frantically pulling him in closer, tighter. Her flip flop fell off. Tom pulled his face away from hers but kept moving in her. He was smiling. “Are you comfortable?” he asked.
“No,” Ginny groaned. “My feet hurt, my arms are tired, and your cock isn’t touching my clit.”
“Whose cock, slut?”
“Yours, Tom. If you change your angle just a little –”
He did, and suddenly each slow movement was against the very center of her being. She cried out, finally, finally exploding on him, pulsing around him. “That’s it, my love,” Tom said. “That’s my slut.” He drove into her while her orgasm went on and on, until she thought she couldn’t take it any more, and then he cried out, louder than she had, thrusting, thrusting, and she came again.
She wasn’t only semi-aware of Tom pulling out of her, releasing her wrists from their bonds, laying her on his bed, and covering her. But when she turned her head he was there, next to her. “Tomorrow,” he said, “you can count on me to take care of you. You don’t have to be nervous.”
“Mmm,” Ginny said. “Now about that threesome –”
If you are interested in more stories about Ginny and Tom, check out:
Thank you so much to everyone who has read, rated, emailed me about and/or commented on my stories. Writing erotica is a labor of love, and feedback means everything. If you are so inclined, and you have people in your life you are comfortable talking about smut with, please consider sharing my work with them.
And, of course, don't forget my books are on Amazon! My novel Mindgames is dystopian romance about naked sex slaves. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited and in paperback. My book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, is available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.
Jasmine Gold
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