Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Chapter 8 of Damascus, my smutty novel-in-progress about Belinda, who has been sold to a brothel to pay off her father's gambling debt

You can find chapters 1-7 on this blog:

Chapter 1:  Belinda's Father Sells her to a Brothel

Chapter 2:  Belinda Stands Strong

Chapter 3: Belinda Discusses Virginity

Chapter 4: Slavegirl Belinda Gets a Massage

Chapter 5: Belinda is Publicly Molested Until She Has Her First Orgasm

Chapter 6: Sex Slave Belinda Loses Her Virginity

Chapter 7: Sex Slave Belinda is Prepared for Anal Sex

And now back to our story:  



            Kaylee led me to the stage.  The grand ballroom was more crowded and louder than it had been the night before.  Many of the men were laughing boisterously.  Most barely stepped out of our way as we threaded our way through them, although some stared openly at me.  I shivered.    

            Vincenzo was waiting for me on the stage.  He took my hand, and my body remembered that he had almost made me come just a few minutes ago.  His green eyes glittered at  me in a way that let me know he was remembering as well.  “Hello, Sir,” I said. He gave me a half smile and brought  me over to the posts where I had been displayed the night before.  “Wait!” I said, pulling back.  “No one showed me how to get out of the cuffs.  You told me someone would show me today!” 

            “I’m sorry,” Vincenzo said.  “I forgot.”  This seemed like a stunning admission.  Vincenzo, the boy wonder, had apologized to me. “Will you be okay?” he asked.  

            “I don’t know,” I admitted.  “I’m scared about tonight.”  I took a deep breath and tried to calm down.  

            “You were a star last night, Belinda,” Vincenzo said.  “That’s why this crowd is here tonight.  To see you.”  

            “But they’re different from last night.” I gestured to the men gathered below us.  “Tonight they all seem like drunk frat boys trying to prove how macho they are.”  

            Vincenzo hadn’t let go of my hand.  “They’re not drunk,” he said.  “Two drink maximum here and no drugs. No one will hurt you on the stage.  And after that – well,  you decide who you go with.” 

            “I have to go with whoever makes me come,” I argued. 

            “You control that, Belinda,” Vincenzo said.  “Last night how many men pawed at you before Avery  came along?  He was who you wanted, and you gave yourself to him.” 

            “Because he gave me water,” I remembered.  “Like I was a person, not a rag doll.” 

            I looked out into the crowd again. A couple of men close to the stage chest bumped each other, then punched each other in the arms and snickeried.  Watching them, a realization struck me: they were posturing for each other.  They were nervous. Knowing that let me find my own calm.  I didn’t protest any more as Vincenzo cuffed my wrists and ankles to the poles, spreading me open.  Like the night before, I could not hide my face, my breasts, or my pussy from anyone in the crowd.  “You okay, Belinda?” Vincenzo asked.  

            I nodded.  “Yes, I’m okay.”

            “Yes, I’m okay, Sir,” Vincenzo said, but he smiled as he said it.

            “Yes, I’m okay, Sir.”  

Vincenzo squeezed my arm before he turned away to call the first winners of the lottery.  I  tried to notice each man as he approached me, to decide if he was the one I wanted to go back to the room with.  At the same time I tried not to think about what would happen in that room, that I would be anally penetrated – buttfucked.  

The winner of the first ticket was a handsome middle-aged white guy with kind eyes, but he mauled me like the worst of the men the night before, leaving me sore and annoyed.  Three frat boys came after that in succession, more interested in mugging for their friends than in me or my body.  I was growing afraid that tonight would go the same as last night, that I would be ready to drop from exhaustion before I came.  I wondered if I had the skill to fake it. Would Vincenzo know?  I was sure that he would. 

            I remembered what Avery had said to me, that during sex I could imagine anyone inside my head.  Should it be him that I think of?  But before I could fully picture him, the next man pinched my nipples, hard.  He smirked at me as my eyes watered.  I looked around for Vincenzo, but he was talking to a waitress, pointing out something in the crowd to her.  “Eyes on me,” the man said. As I looked at him he twisted my nipples.  I was afraid he would tear them off.  He leaned in so he was speaking in my ear.  “You can beg me to stop,” he said.

“Please, you’re hurting me, stop,” I cried out.

“No.”  He continued mauling my breasts.  Vincenzo approached and seemed to be considering whether to intervene, but after watching for a moment he took a half step back.  I calmed down, knowing that if I were in any danger of real harm Vincenzo would put a stop to it.  When I realized that, the pain somehow mixed with pleasure.  “I told you to look at me, slut,” the man said.   I returned my eyes to him. More pleasure.  He moved the fingers of one hand down my torso, the other hand continuing to pinch my nipple.  And then he was touching my crotch, my slit, my clit.  He circled just so. I had been so well prepared earlier, by Erik, by Vincenzo, that it didn’t take much to bring me to the verge of coming.  I felt a rushing, in my pussy, in my head. But I didn’t want to, not for this man.  I wanted to close my legs to him, but I couldn’t.  I fought to hold off.   

            Vincenzo called time.   The man pulled his hands away, and winked at me.  

Vincenzo called the next  numbers as I was still trying to catch my breath.  There was a pause, and then another frat boy came up.  His friends jeered at him.  He had red hair and pale, pale skin and freckles, and he looked like he might be about to throw up.   He seemed like he was barely old enough to be here.  “Go on, you coward!” someone yelled from the crowd.  

            He stood directly in front of me.  “Um, hi,” he said.  Then he just stood there, his arms dangling at his side.  .

            “Touch her!” someone screamed from the crowd.  “Show her who's boss.”

            He blushed. “I’m sorry about those idiots,” he said.  “I guess I’m supposed to – um –”  He looked at a loss for words.    

            I made a choice.  “If you put your index finger on my clit and kind of saw it up and down, you’ll make me come,” I said.  

            He blushed even more, but he did as I suggested.  Oh god, it felt good.  “You’re so wet,” he said, sounding shocked.  His friends, the idiots, were screaming.  

            “A little more pressure,” I told him.  I wriggled to get the angle just right, and then he hit the spot.  “Yes,” I said, “just like that.  Don’t stop.”   I couldn’t help moving my hips up and down to his rhythm.  So, so good.  I was going to come for him.  I wanted to.  I wanted to.  I wanted to.  Then the wave overtook me.  I made a noise between a moan and a shriek as I spasmed on his finger.   He looked terrified but kept going until I sagged away from him.  

            The next thing I knew Vincenzo was untying me.  “What’s your name, kid?” In my post-orgasmic daze I couldn’t process why he would ask me that. 

            “I’m Liam.  Liam OConnor.  With Gamma Gamma Beta.”  Oh, Vincenzo wasn’t talking to me.  

            “Well, Liam O’Connor, with Gamma Gamma Beta, is this your first time here?” Liam nodded.  He looked like he might pass out.  I put my hand on his arm, trying to calm him down even as my legs were still wobbly from my orgasm.  “Let’s just make sure you understand the rules,” Vincenzo said.  Liam nodded again.  “You won a night with Belinda here, and you get to be the first person to have anal sex with her.”  Liam’s Adam’s apple bobbed up and down.  “But you don’t get to hurt her.  You understand that?”  Liam nodded again. “Because if you do, you get hurt.  We track you down and we inflict pain on you like you’ve never imagined.”  

            Liam’s face had gone from pale to green, and I could see his knees knocking. Vincenzo reached into this pocket, pulled out a plastic bottle, and handed it to Liam.  “This is lube.  There’s more in the room.  I expect that you’ll use as much of it as she needs.”  Liam dropped the bottle.  I picked it up.  

“We’ll use it, and he won’t hurt me.”  I tried to smile reassuringly at Liam but he wouldn’t even look at me.  “Can you give me the room key?” I asked Vincenzo.

“Sir,” Vincenzo said.  

“Can you give me the room key, Sir?” I said, working hard not to roll my eyes.  Vincenzo handed it to me, and I led Liam out of the ballroom.  He followed me docilely.  His friends were yelling obscenities at him.  He didn’t look at them.

I found the room number on the key  and brought Liam to the elevator.  He didn’t say anything on the ride, or in the hallway.  We went into the room and I closed the door behind us. Liam sat down on the bed with an oomph.  He put his head in his hands for a minute.  Then he looked up and said, “Should I get undressed?”  It was strange for me to realize that I knew more about what to do than he did.   

“We don’t have to do anything,” I said.  “You get that,right?  It’s up to you.”  I glanced at the camera in the corner of the room, wondering if I would get in trouble if Liam didn’t end up buttfucking me that night.  “Or, we can do whatever you want.  You won me.”

“I’m not a virgin or anything,” Liam said almost belligerently.  .  

“Okay, Sir. Do you want to buttfuck me?” I asked. Liam nodded.  “Do you want me to help you get undressed?”  He nodded again.  I unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. Then he turned his back to me, kicked off his shoes and socks, and pulled off his pants and briefs.  He turned to face me.  His hard cock was smaller than Avery’s, which was a relief.  He picked up his pants, grabbed the lube from the pocket, and then dumped them back on the floor. 

“I guess get on your hands and knees on the bed,” he said.  I obeyed him, wondering if he could make this work.  Or was that my job?  He rubbed the lube around my asshole, just as Erik had done, and then pushed some inside with his finger.  It didn’t hurt but it also didn’t feel good.  

The next thing I knew, something much larger than Liam’s finger was inside me.  It did hurt, but before I could register that, he gave a strangled moan.  And then it was over.  Liam pulled out and wetness dripped down from my butt.  Liam flopped on the bed next to me, his eyes closed.  He lay like that for a couple of minutes.  He finally opened his eyes.  “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he asked.  He sounded scared.  

I had to force myself not to laugh. “No, I’m okay,” I said.  “Do you want to do anything else?”

“Can we?”

“We have all night.  We can do whatever you want.”

“Except hurt you.”

I wanted to hug him, but I  was afraid that if I did he would melt into a puddle.  “I can give you a massage, if you like,” I offered.  I wouldn’t have Ricky’s skill, or even Erik’s, but I thought maybe I could bring him some pleasure.  “I just need to wash up first.”

“Okay,” he said.  He lay on his stomach on the bed.  I went to the bathroom and took a very quick shower, glad to was the gross off me.  When I came back to the bed, Liam had not moved.  He was snoring softly.  I looked at the camera, not sure what to do.  Finally, I covered him with a blanket and crawled into bed next to him.  I wished I had a book  I thought about taking another, longer shower but I didn’t want Liam to wake up and find me gone.  So I closed my eyes, figuring I would rest for a couple of minutes until Liam got his second wind.

I awoke to a knock at the door.  Liam was still asleep next to me.  Kaylee came in, carrying a coffee tray.  Liam sat up.  “What time is it?” he asked.  

“It’s 7 AM, Sir,” Kaylee said.  I was surprised by the humble, respectful tone in her voice.  “Your friends sent a message that they’re ready to go.  They want to know if you want to come with them or stay longer.  You can have the room for another couple hours if you want it.”

“Do they know that?” Liam asked.

“No, Sir,” Kaylee said.  She didn’t look at me.  I suspected if she did she would burst out laughing.

Liam stood up and grabbed his pants off the floor.  He got dressed quickly, ran his hands through his hair, gulped some black coffee, and headed for the door.  Then he stopped and turned back to me. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

“No, Sir,” I said.  He walked out the door and started to head in the direction away from the elevator.  He turned back, his face a hot red.  “I can bring you to the lobby if you like, Sir,” I said.  He nodded.  

Kaylee made a sound that could have been a cough or a laugh.  I ignored her and led Liam to the elevator.  When we came to the lobby, a pack of Liam’s friends – the idiots, he had called them – were yelling.  Had they ever stopped?  Or had they made this kind of noise all night?  Liam  walked over to them, his face still red.  One of the frat boys saw me.  “Hey, Liam, did you find the right hole?” he screamed.  He turned to me, lowering his voice only slightly.  “You must be unsatisfied.  Give me a few minutes and I’ll show you what a real man can do.”  He grabbed his crotch.  Vincenzo appeared at my side, looking annoyed.

I took a deep breath and hurried to catch up to Liam.  “Sir,” said.  He didn’t hear me.  “Sir,” said again, more loudly this time.  He turned.  “Thank you for being firm with me.  You knew what I needed even though I didn’t.”  The frat boys broke out into cheers and whistles.  A couple of them slapped Liam on the back.  Vincenzo grinned at me, amusement mixed with respect in his eyes.   


Note from Jasmine Gold: If you are enjoying Damascus, check out my dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.



Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Bridgerton Season 3 Part 2 is a meditation on what it means to use a pen name



In other word, smut writers.  In other words,  me.  


At the end of Bridgerton Season 3 Part 1, Penelope had become engaged to Colin without revealing that she is Mrs. Whistledown, the author of the scandalous gossip rag that has publicized information that has hurt Colin and various members of his family.

Colin eventually learns Penelope's secret, before the wedding but after it is too late to cancel it.  One major plot of the show is Colin learning to not only accept but respect Penelope's work.  But the more important plot is Penelope realizing that she cannot give up Mrs. Whistledown, not only because Mrs. Whistledown brings her power but because she is Mrs. Whistledown and Mrs. Whistledown is she.  

As someone who writs smut under a pen name, I completely embrace this plot.  My relationship with Jasmine Gold is complicated.  See?  I am referring to her in the third person.  But she is me.  Sometimes I think she is the deepest and best part of me.  And no one can know me completely without knowing her.  

If it's not clear, I adored this Bridgerton plot.

There were other parts of Season 3, Part 2 that I did not like as much.  For one thing, it did Cressida dirty.  Cressida is a mean girl who became bffs with Eloise, who is Colin's sister and Penelope's former bff.  In Season 3, Part 1, we learned that Cressida's unfeeling parents are trying to marry her off.  In Part 2 they have found a groom for her -- an old, tiresome man who will make her life a misery. 

The queen has offered a reward to anyone who reveals the identity of Mrs. Whistledown -- a large enough award that Cressida can live independently abroad rather than marrying the creep.  In a brilliant stroke, Cressida announces that she is Mrs. Whistledown, and seeks the reward.  Apparently we are supposed to now think of her as a villain.  Eloise (always the worst character in every season) ends her friendship with Cressida out of loyalty to Penelope, who she knows is the real Mrs.  Whistledown.  But Cressida didn't know that!  The point of view of the show seems to be that we should hate Cressida for taking credit for Penelope's hard work.  But for Cressida the credit is besides the point; she wants, and needs, the reward money.  Although she is constantly told that she is not clever enough to be Mrs. Whistledown, and she clearly does not have Mrs. Whistledown's skills, she is clever enough to take an advantage of a good opportunity.  I applaud her for that.  It it a failing of the show when at the end of the season she is bundled off, unredeemed, to dreary country life with a mean aunt.  (Also, what happened to the explorer from Season 3, Part 1 who Cressida lost to Penelope until he dumped her?  He seemed like a perfect match for Cressida.)   

The story of the third Bridgerton brother, Benedict, was also not well done.  (I'll repeat my biggest criticism of Bridgerton -- that all three Bridgerton brothers look completely identical, to the point that when one of them enters a scene I pause the TV to research which brother it is. I did go back and make sure I'm not confusing Benedict with a different brother from prior seasons.)  In earlier seasons Benedict was an aspiring artist who enjoyed orgies.  In this season he has a friends with benefits arrangement with a woman named Tilley, who invites him to participate in an MMF threesome with her friend Paul.   Benedict is at first horrified and shocked by the suggestion, and runs out in consternation.  Given his past, this reaction is just weird.  (Also, although he gave up art in Season 2 after he learned that his brother bribed an art school to let him in, it's weird that when Paul asks him if he spends his time on art he gives no indication that this is something he was passionate about.)  

Finally, a look forward:  Speculation is that Season 4 will be about Benedict. That would be good.  Just please, please don't let it be about Eloise.  She is the worst character and I do not want to spend eight hours with her. 

Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your most secret fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

ELust you are the best!


Thanks for including my smutty story A Submissive's First Threesome in issue 174!

 Link to the issue here.  

What the issue includes:

Erotic Non Fiction

Voyageur Maggie and Paul

Kristina J Kink and Fetish

Beyond Non Binary The Last Supper: a final night of “manhood” before sex reassignment surgery

Erotic Fiction

barefoot sub Little Caged Dick Invites Consequences

FYHO Her Boys

Jasmine Gold A Submissive's First Threesome

Jerusalem Mortimer Bedroom Eyes 36: The End

Product Reviews

Morgan Destera TOY TEST - Funzze Steel Double-Ended Dildo

Liz X Likes Small but Mighty: Exploring the Delights of the Primo Wand Vibrator by Screaming O

Sex Toy DB Nothosaur “Hunter Jack” Horse Dildo with Tube Review

Sydney Screams Creative Conceptions Unihorn Review and Comparison

Thoughts & Advice on Kink & Fetish

Spices of Lust 18 Ideas For Breaking Bedroom Routine

Disorderly House BDSM Aftercare

Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships

Musings of a Switch Porn Relationships

Betty's Toy Box 5 Best Sex Positions for Mind Blowing G-Spot Orgasms

Books and Movies

LA Jayne Pride Month 2024 Queer Movie Recommendations (Part I)

Sex Work

Oz Bigdownunder Fly Me To La Lune. A Cuckolding Duo With Maxine Lune

Sex Worker Search Tech Stacks. Which Escort Directory Uses What Technology?

Hellga A Bonny Lassie and Her Wee Sporran in Glasgow

Sandra Kinky Adventures in Hong Kong



Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Friday, June 14, 2024

Review of fluffsational modern romance Cinder Nanny by Sariah Wilson



Cinder Nanny by Sariah Wilson is an enjoyable read.  Its flaw is that it adheres too closely to the Cinderella story, with heroine Diana having a heart so gold that it almost overwhelms her personality, and hero Griffin's main characteristics being that he is super rich and super hot and just so, so kind.  The niceness in the story extends to the family that Diana nannies for -- they pay her way too much, give her way too many perks, don't care that she lied about her credentials, and embrace her as family when they barely know her.

Diana's back story is that she was raised by a con-artist mother, who is now in prison.  The plot does not involve Diana confronting her mother or finding her humanity -- she is a non-entity.  Diana's beloved sister needs a kidney transplant, but the sister's ex-husband has violated a court order to keep her on his insurance and because of that she is not eligible for Obamacare.  (The health insurance issues make no sense, but I credit Wilson for at least trying to come up with an explanation.)  So Diana is trying to save enough to pay for her sister's kidney transplant -- the transplanted kidney being one that she, of course, will donate.  

Diana lies about her qualifications and is hired to be a nanny to a sweet, cute little boy named Milo.  Her lack of qualifications don't matter because, through sheer good luck, she is able to diagnose the boy with a sensory issue relating to how he perceives himself in physical space.  She is able to teach him to ski because the ski resort where the novel takes place just happens to have an instructor who specializes in teaching kids with this issue. She is able to teach him French because hero Griffin's niece, and playmate of Milo, happens to speak French.   

Griffin's backstory is that he is a British lord raised by a mean grandmother who controls his pursestrings.  He also has a heart of gold, as demonstrated by the fact that he is raising his brother's illegitimate daughter so that the mean grandmother won't find out about her.  Like Diana, he has no apparent character flaws.

Diana's character growth consists of her accepting that she is not evil like her mother and is therefore worthy of love.  (Question: can someone who is evil also be worthy of love?  What if they're only kind of evil? What if they have a back story?)  Griffin's character growth consists of -- well, none, he just goes about his life and ends up slightly less rich than when he began by making a decision that was in no way difficult for him.  

This is not a terrible book.  It's just that it's all dessert and no protein.  

Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

In modern romance Triple Sec, author TJ Alexander tries to normalize poly relationships but just makes them boring

    In Triple Sec , by TJ Alexander , bartender Mel somewhat reluctantly agrees to date Bebe, who is in an open marriage with Kade.  Mel and...