Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Beginning of my new story, Girlfriend

 If you've read my other works you'll recognize the world this is set in, but this is a standalone piece.  This chapter is tame, but it will get smutty later!



            “Will you have sex with me?”

            Samara shouted those words into the relative quiet of the break between the band’s songs.  She was obviously speaking to Chuck, since she was standing directly in front of him and making clear eye contact.  And yet, he just looked at her blankly.

            “Uh, dude?” Chuck’s friend Quinn said to him. 

            Chuck seemed to gather his wits, and he did not seem pleased.  “How much have you had to drink?”

            This was not going the way that Samara had planned.  The whole point of getting drunk was to find enough courage to approach Chuck.  She had tried doing it sober several times, but had always found some excuse to turn away before he noticed her.  Using liquid courage was a strategy, not a blunder. 

Or was it?  Samara was – was --  was going to throw up.  She turned and ran out of the great hall onto the porch and managed to lean over the railing before she puked. 

            She straightened up as the band began to play again, hoping no one had seen her.  She held onto the railing, waiting almost curiously to see if her stomach was done.  She concluded that she could throw up more, but that she didn’t need to. 

            She turned around, trying to decide if she should go inside or head home.  Alone.  Where she would be alone.  Being drunk was so strange.  It was not entirely unpleasant to not be able to think quite straight, to not feel the full weight to the humiliation the events of the last three minutes. 

            She took a step and the movement made her dizzy.  She stumbled.  Someone grabbed her.  “You’re okay,” he said.  Chuck. 

            “I talked to Chuck and then I upchucked.  Like a woodchuck.”  Samara giggled, proud of her enunciation. 

            “Uh huh,” Chuck said.  He led her to a bench.  When she sat down he handed her a glass.  “Sip it slowly,” he advised.  She tasted it.  Plain water.

            “You’re not supposed to be nice,” Samara said accusingly. 

            Chuck’s face clouded over for just a moment, but then he grinned his sexy, self-assured grin.  “You’re not supposed throw up on the rose bushes that Nathaniel works so hard on.”

            “They’re peonies, not roses,” Samara said automatically.

            “And you’re Samara, not some drunk girl so desperate to get laid that she propositions someone like me.”

            “I didn’t proposition someone like you, I propositioned you.” 

            “To use me to get back at Gabriel?” 

            “What does Gabriel have to do with it?  He’s gone.  He wouldn’t even know, so how would anything I do here affect him in any way?”

            Chuck leaned back on the bench and crossed his arms.  “You always were the logical one, even when we were kids.”   

            “So you’ll have sex with me?”

            “Not when you ask me when you’re drunk.”

            “So if I asked you when I’m sober you’d say yes?”

            “Ask me when you’re sober and find out.” 


Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

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