Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Strange bedfellows

You may be going about your day thinking, "I bet that a smutty dystopian romance novel has nothing to do with how I should be approaching my stock portfolio this month."  Turns out you're wrong.  Surprise!

Mutual Fund Observer is a non-profit monthly magazine with a target audience of "intellectually curious, serious investors" interested in deep dives into innovative, independent new and smaller mutual funds. 

In it's December issue, MFO advises on how to "reduce your 2020 risks by 50% with this one move!"  That one move is to sit tight and not worry about clickbait headlines about financial doom.
Avoid fretting by distracting yourselves -- with books!

The writers at MFO have offered their favorites, including my novel, Mindgames * -- the aforementioned smutty dystopian romance.  Thank you!  

* If you're outside the US use this link.

1 comment:

  1. Our future lies with minds that are undaunted and willing to be unconventional. That's true whether we're building portfolios, confronting a changing climate or imagining the road - perhaps elegantly smutty and dystopian - to redemption.


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