Wednesday, October 30, 2024

My new smutty short story, A Nun's Humiliation




            Ginny has been kidnapped.  She was younger, walking in the neighborhood where she lived then.  She has just left the old woman who always asked for help carrying her groceries and never said thank you.  She is in an alleyway when she is grabbed by the mob goon.

            No, she is a nun.  A young nun who has grown up in a convent boarding school because she is an orphan.  She is almost ready to take her vows.  She just needs to get through the interview with the priests. 

            Tom stops fingering her pussy.  This is real life.  Tom is Ginny’s dom, but also – and this is new – he is her lover, as in, they recently told each other that they loved each other.  Things have shifted between them and they are feeling their way, neither sure where the new normal will be.

            For now, Tom has been reasserting both his dominance and his care for Ginny, trying to show her, and himself, that he can be in charge and she can let him and they will both be safe.  Ginny is naked on a bed, a spreader bar between her feet, her arms tied over her head. 

            She holds in her sigh of displeasure that Tom has stopped touching her.  His hand wanders up to her breast and fondles it.  “Where did you go, Sweetie?” he asks her.

            Ginny struggles to answer.  It’s complicated.  She had been a lot of places, several places at once, looking for the fantasy that will combine with Tom’s touch to make her come.  She doesn’t want to hurt his feelings, or make him think that he is not enough, or admit that she is not enough.  Tom doesn’t repeat his question, but he doesn’t move his hand back down where Ginny wants it to be, either.  He squeezes her nipple, as he knows she likes.  He is lying on his side, propped up on one elbow, his other hand free to wander her body.

            “I was just in my own head,” Ginny said.  “I’m sorry.”

            “I’m sorry, Sir,” Tom says with a slight smile.

            “I’m sorry, Sir,” Ginny repeats, and saying it makes her want his touch even more.

            Tom’s hand wanders down again, and his finger circles her soaking clit.  That’s better.  Ginny goes back to the room with the priests.  They are telling her to take off her habit.  “It’s just a formality,” they say, “so we can make sure you didn’t let the devil in before you take your vows.”  Tom is touching Ginny just so, and she raises her pelvis to meet his finger.

            Tom moves his hand away.  Again it rests on her breast, close to her rapidly pounding heart.  Ginny opens her eyes that she hadn’t realized she had closed.  Tom is looking at her.  “Where did you go?” he asks again.  He does not seem annoyed, but he is inexorable. 

            “I was in my head again, sir.  I’m sorry.”  She wonders if she has earned a punishment. 

            “Where?” Tom asks.  “Take me with you.”

            She buys time.  “If I do, will you touch me again, like you were?  Sir?”

            Tom pinches her nipple harder than she likes.  “Don’t bargain with me, Ginny,” he says sternly.  “You are tied up, and I will do as I please.”  He leans over and sucks where he had been pinching, and then stops.  Now his hand is on her stomach.  “Tell me,” he says.

            “It’s silly, Sir,” Ginny says.  “And it’s not really --   I’m embarrassed.”  She turns her head so she is not looking at him.

            Tom moves her head back to the position it had been in, and waits for Ginny to look him in the eye.  “Your body is open to me,” he says, and he rests his finger her pussy, then slowly moves it up and down.  Then he smears her upper lip with some of her wet.  “Your body is open to me,” he says again.  “I want your mind to be open to me too.  I want you to share.” 

            “Can I look away when I tell you, Sir?” Ginny asks.  “It will make it easier for me.”

            “No,” Tom says.  “I don’t want it to be easier for you.”

            “Will you tell me your fantasies, maybe another time?” Ginny asked.

            Tom smiles briefly, if to say, you are being silly, this is my fantasy.  But he says, “Don’t bargain with me.”  He rests his hand casually on her upper thigh.

            Ginny takes a deep breath.  She can feel herself blushing.  She had shared some of her fantasies with Tom before they ever met in person, and Tom has made them come true in a way that she had not believed would ever happen.  But below that – below the dreams of her being tied up, being helpless, being forced to submit by someone who would obviously never hurt her, who would stop as soon as she used her safe word – are other fantasies that are so – dark, so evil, and, as far as Ginny is concerned, so very hot.  The type of fantasies that would result in shaming on Literotica, but that have been her constant companions since she first started to touch herself. 

            She begins slowly.  “I’m an orphan,” she says.  Tom rewards her by moving his hand towards her pussy.   “I have been brought up in a school where I’m being trained to be a nun.”  Ginny is not Catholic, she’s not really sure of the vocabulary.  “But most of the girls are not orphans; some come from wealthy families.” 

            She stops, unsure of how much detail Tom wants.  He moves his hand to on top of her public bone.  It’s inches from her clit but his gentle rubbing back and forth makes Ginny writhe.  She can’t continue. “Please, Sir, will you make me come?”

            “I think one touch on your clit would push you over the edge, wouldn’t it?” 

            Ginny nods, almost frantically.  “Yes, Sir, please.”

            Tom kisses her sweetly.  “You can come when your nun comes,” he says.

            “Okay, sir.  The priests tie her up and make her come.”

            “You’re very close to earning a punishment, Ginny,” Tom says.  “You will tell me the entire story, in detail.” 

            “Okay.”  Ginny takes a breath.  “The girl has just turned 18 and –”

            “What’s her name?” Tom asks.

            Another hesitation.  “Her name is Ginny.  She’s me,” Ginny says. 

            Tom’s fingers stroke the outside of her pussy lips.  “Good girl.  Tell me the story in the first person.”

            Ginny is so caught up in the sensation of Tom touching her that she can’t continue.  “Please, sir, let me come and I’ll tell you the rest after.” 

            “Now you have earned a punishment.”  Tom continues stroking her pussy lips.  “For later.  Go on with your story.”

            Ginny tries to go on.  “Uhhn,” is all that comes out.  Tom takes pity on her and moves his hand back up to her pubic bone, and allows her to rest for a minute. 

            “I am one of the younger girls in my class,” Ginny says.  “I know what happens because some of the other girls have come back and whispered about it at night, even though they are not supposed to.  And even though I’m 18 in a lot of ways I’m younger because I’ve lived in the convent since my parents died when I was little.  Most of the other girls go home for vacations but I don’t have anywhere to do, so I never really learn about the world.  The nuns tell us how the devil comes into our souls through our bodies and that we can’t give into temptation, we need to stay pure.  Sometimes when one of the girls is being punished I get a feeling in my crotch but I don’t really know what it is.  I ask one of the nuns about it.  She tells the Mother Superior and I am punished, too, by being forced to kneel on rice.  None of the other girls ever mention these feelings, and I think there is something wrong with me.”

            Ginny is caught up in the back story now. Tom touches her clit, bringing her back to this room.  She stops speaking as Tom circles her.  He moves his hand higher, and Ginny continues, “The other girls, when they turn 18, they go away for a day.  And they come back and they say the priests test them. They have to get naked before the priests and then the priests touch them, and then it’s over and they get sent back to the convent.  It sounds scary to me, and a little weird because we are taught that modesty is important, but also just like something we have to go through, like fasting.  So when I turn 18 I am a little nervous, but not really.  I think it will be fine.”

            “And is it fine, Ginny?  Or do they humiliate you?”

            Ginny gasps.  Tom’s knows that if any word would send her over the edge, it’s humiliation.  He stands up.  “Would you like some water?” he asks her.  Ginny nods.  Tom finds her water bottle, the one with the attached straw.  He props her head on a pillow and lets her drink.  The water cools her down, as does the break from his touch, and from her story. Tom takes off his briefs.  Ginny had known that he had been hard, but the precum on his tip surprises her.  He is as aroused as she is.  She relaxes a little, knowing that this is good for him too, but also she longs for him.

            “What is it, Sweetie?” Tom asks.

            “If you untied me, just one hand, Sir, I could touch you.”

            Tom smiles.  “You’ve been using your mouth so well, just now, I thought I could find another use for it.”  

            For a moment Ginny is confused, but then she realizes what he means.  She can feel the drool forming in her mouth.  Usually she does not particularly enjoy giving Tom blow jobs.  They get her out of her head, worrying if she is performing well.  But she craves him in her mouth right now.  She opens, inviting him.  Tom kneels over her and puts his hard cock in her mouth, not very deeply.  She closes around it, sucking on him, rolling her tongue around him.  She tries to take  him in deeper but she is tied down and Tom has all the control.  He pushes himself towards the back of her mouth, slowly.  She gags a bit but she wants more of him.  She makes an effort to lean forward, to take him in, despite the angle.  Tom grunts and she knows she is doing well.  She sucks harder.  

            “Stop, Ginny,” Tom says, and he sounds almost strangled as he says it.  She immediately opens her mouth and leans back.  He pulls out of her.  “In your story, do your priests come?”

            It takes a second for Ginny to follow his train of thought.  She is embarrassed again.  “No, sir,” she says.  “They’re  NPCs.  My stories are about me.  For me.”

            Tom smiles.  “That’s good.  I’ll come when you come.  And you’ll come when your nun comes.  Tell me what happens next.”  He lays down next to her again.  

Ginny is no longer on the verge of coming, but Tom touches her clit again and she immediately soars.  He keeps his finger there while she remembers where she has left off.   “A couple of the nuns walk me over to where the priests live.  I know the building but I’ve never been inside.  The nuns don’t say anything; they just leave me there when a priest I know comes to the door.  I’ve never really spoken with him.  He leads prayers sometimes, and I know that the mother superior confers with him.  He invites me in and brings me to a room where a bunch of priests are sitting around.  I don’t know most of them.”  Ginny pauses.  “Is this too much exposition?” she asks.  

Tom pushes his cock against the outside of Ginny’s thigh, so she can feel how hard he still is.  “It’s just the right amount, Ginny,” he says, “because it is your story.”  

“So the room, it’s kind of like a classroom, for some reason.  Like a lecture room.”  Ginny has never thought much about this detail and she has to pause to visualize it.  “With long desks where the fronts are covered so you can’t see people’s legs.  And everyone but the main priest is sitting behind them.”

            “The main priest, does he look like me?” Tom asks.

            Ginny is startled.  “Do you want him to, Sir?”

            Tom shrugs.  “I don’t want him to or not want him to.  I just want to know.”

            “He doesn’t,” Ginny says.  “He’s not like you.  He’s cruel. He’s a rapist.  And he’s kind of gross.”  She looks at Tom, unsure if this is okay.  Tom smiles, and swirls his finger lightly, lightly around her clit.  “He doesn’t really take care of himself.  His hair is stringy,” (Tom shaves his head) “and he smells bad, like he doesn’t use deodorant or change his clothes.”

            Tom says cheerfully, “Then I’m glad he doesn’t look like me.”  He slides two fingers into Ginny’s soaking wet pussy, while pressing on her clit with his thumb.  “Do you ever fantasize that I’m a rapist?”

            “Please, sir, stop, I’m going to come.”  Ginny almost shrieks these words.  Tom lifts his thumb from her clit, and he stops moving his fingers inside her pussy, but he keeps them there.

            Ginny catches her breath.  “I don’t fantasize that you’re a rapist.  I fantasize that you’re you.  I fantasize that you do the things you do to me.”  

            “But not tonight?”

            “Sometimes I need more.  It was a long drive, and I was tired, and I wanted to – to perform for you.”

            Tom smiles. “Go on with your story, then.”

            Ginny has to think for a minute.  Sometimes the priest undresses her.  Sometimes he tells her to undress herself.  She decides to go that route.  “So the main priest, he doesn’t really look at me, he just tells me to take off my habit.”

            “And do you?”  

            “Yes,  And under I’m wearing –”  She stops.  “What do nuns wear under their habits?  Like a dress?”

            “I’ve never been a nun, dear, and it’s your story.”  He takes his fingers out of her pussy and sucks on them.  “Did my fingers hurt you?”  Sometimes penetration is uncomfortable for her.

            Ginny shakes her head.  “No, sir.”

            Tom smiles.  “Go on.”

            “So, under my habit I’m wearing a white dress the nuns made me put on.  The priests tell me to take it off.  I’m nervous but, again, I know this is normal, all the girls have to do it.  And under the dress I’m wearing a bra and panties, and of course I have shoes on.  The priests tell me to take all of it off and I do.”

            Ginny keeps going, because she is coming to the heart of the story.  “There is a shocked silence.  The priests are staring at me.  And the main priest looks at all the other priests and he says, ‘Brothers, have we ever had a novice so eager to take off her clothes for us?  A girl who would do so before God without protesting?’  And some of the other priests mutter things like, ‘Shameless!” or “slut!’”

            Tom presses his cock into Ginny’s side.  “They’re right, aren’t they?  You are a slut, Ginny.”

            Ginny shakes her head.  “No, in the story I don’t think of myself like that.”

            Tom grunts.  “But in real life?”  He kisses her, a lingering kiss.

            “In real life, I’m a slut for you, Sir.”

            “As you should be.  Go on with your story.”

            “The main priest tells me to spread my legs and put my hands behind my neck. But now I’m nervous because they told me I took my clothes off too fast.  So I try to protest.  And the main priest, he reaches out and pinches my nipple, hard –”

            “Like this?”

            Ginny moans.  “Yes, sir.”

            “And what does it do to you?”

            “It makes me – feel things in my pussy.  And it makes Ginny, in the story, feel things in her pussy, just like she felt when she saw other girls being punished.  She’s – I’m confused, and scared.  I know this is wrong, but I also know the priests can’t know what I’m feeling.”

            “But I’ll bet the main priest does know, doesn’t he?”

            “I’m not sure if he knows he’s arousing me.  Maybe right now he’s just trying to hurt me.  He pinches my nipple harder.”  Tom squeezes Ginny’s nipple harder.  Ginny squirms.  “Please stop, it’s too much.”

            “Spread your legs and put your hands behind your head,” Tom says.  “I’ll stop when you obey.”

            Ginny moans.  “I do, I do obey,” she says.  “The priest lets go of my nipple and steps behind me.”

            Tom nods.  He knows that Ginny loves to be fondled from behind.  “He has her sit on his lap in a chair, doesn’t he?”

            It takes Ginny a moment to catch up, but then she says, “Yes, there is a plush armless chair.  He brings me over there and has me sit on his lap, and he spreads my legs with his legs.”

            “Stop for a minute, Sweetie,” Tom says.  He releases her legs from the spreader bar, and releases her wrists from the ties.  Ginny knows from experience not to move until Tom tells her to.   “Come with me,” he says.  He leads her over to the little sitting area of the hotel room.   He grabs a towel from the bathroom and puts it on the loveseat-sized couch, either out of an effort to keep it clean or out of a sure knowledge that other people have not been as considerate.  He sits on the towel, and pulls Ginny onto his lap.  He puts his legs between hers and spreads them.  “Is this how the priest has you sit?”

            “Yes,” Ginny says.  She leans her head back against Tom’s chest and turns her face so that she is nuzzling into him.  

            “You really are a slut,” Tom says.  “Enjoying this so much.  Is this how you acted with the devil?”

            “What?  No.  No, Father,” Ginny says.  She turns her face away from Tom.  

            “Do you feel how much you’re tempting me?”  Tom asks.  He pushes up a bit so his cock rubs her backside.  

            Ginny squirms.  “No, Father, I don’t mean to.  Please, let me go.”

            “You don’t mean to?”  Tom asks.  “Let’s see if that’s true.”  He pushes two fingers into her pussy.  “My god, you’re soaking wet.  Did you pee yourself?”

            “No, Father,” Ginny says.  She tries to get up, but Tom has her legs captured in his.  He puts an arm around her middle.  HIs fingers are still inside her, and then his thumb is on her clit.

            “Father, oh my god, please, stop,” Ginny says, frantic.  She can feel that her squirming is making Tom even harder.  

            “You take God’s name in vain?” Tom asks.  With the fingers of one hand he spreads out her pussy lips, so that her clit is even more exposed to his thumb.  “How long ago did you sell your soul to the devil?  What did you get in return?”  Ginny doesn’t answer.  She writhes on Tom, moaning incoherently.  “Did you sell your soul for pleasure, Ginny?  Like you are experiencing right now?”  Ginny shakes her head.  “Beg me, beg me like I’m your master the devil, beg me to make you come.”  

            “No,” Ginny says.  She makes another effort to get away, but it is impossible.  “I swear, I never made a deal.  I don’t want you to touch me.  Please, stop.  Please, please, please, stop.”  She tries to continue to beg, but her words turn to moans as her orgasm washes over her.  

            “You slut,” Tom says.  “Look what you do to me.”  He pushes his cock against her backside and Ginny, the sub and the nun, hears him groan and feels his wetness as she falls back against him, sated.  

For other stories about Ginny and Tom on this blog, check out My First Submissive Adventure and Turnabout is Fair Play.  For more short stories about hot, consensual sex,The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire is available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited. And my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames, is available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited and in paperback.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Thanks to Elust for including my smutty short story, A Nun's Humiliation, in issue 178! (And a rant about Literotica.)



Elust, you are great!  Thanks for including a link to my smutty short story, A Nun's Humiliation.   (Unlike Literotica, which rejected this version of the story because -- this gets complicated -- there is mention that the nun of the title, who exists only in the mind of Ginny, the main character (who is herself fictional, duh) was once younger than 18, even though the story says three times that during the action of the story she is 18.)  Let's keep in mind that smut writers mostly write smut as a labor of love, which Literotica, a website with an estimated worth of almost $100 million according to one analysis (that is probably not accurate, but there is no doubt Literotica is a big business that people are making a lot of money off of), exploits the fuck out of.  Please, please, support your favorite smut writers.  Support Elust, which links to the websites of writers and artists so that they can reap the profit of their own work.  (Yes, you can read my smut for free on my website as well as on this blog -- I will post A Nun's Humiliation here soon -- but see links at the end of this post for how you can purchase my books on Amazon.  If enough of you buy my books I will be able to afford a gourmet brownie or something.  And, I will be motivated to continue writing really good smut for your reading pleasure.)

Anyway, Elust is phenomenal.  Here's a link to issue 178.  And here's what's in the issue:  

Thoughts & Advice on Sex & Relationships

Musings of a Switch, Porn thoughts

Tantric Sexual Healing, Sacred Sex: A Path to Deep Connection and Spiritual Awakening

The Disorderly House, How to Fuck Yourself, An Ultimate Sexual Self Intimacy Guide

Betty's Toy Box, Experience Your Ultimate Pleasure: 10 Types of Orgasm for You to Try

Erotic Non Fiction

Kristina J, Manners Matter: Why Being Polite is Sexy (and Non-Negotiable, Even for Sex Workers)

Awakening Your Inner Essence, Exploring The Full Body Orgasm: A Personal Journey as a Tantric Practitioner

Little Red Spanking, The Lover’s Spat: A Paddle Story

Thoughts & Advice on Kink & Fetish

Pain as Pleasure, Building A Role Play– Chat GPT and the end (or beginning) of everything

Erotic Fiction

Jerusalem Mortimer, In the Realm of the Sensei Prologue-3

Sugarbutch, Don’t Swallow

Jasmine Gold, A Nun's Humiliation

Product Reviews

Buzzing Babe, The Best Male Vibrators for Pleasure You Didn't Know Existed (2024)

Liz X, Powerful Pleasure: Kiiroo's Duo Powerblow FeelPocket Stroker

Sex Work

Hellga, One Overnight in Paris. Fly Me to You

Miss Kim Rub, Top Five BDSM Practices

Sex Worker Search, How to Send a Takedown Request to an Escort Directory

Femina Viva, How to Set Your Price (or not) as a Sex Worker

Sandra, Flogging, DP and Two Pearl Necklaces. A Duo with Oz

Nuit d'Or, Self-care For Dominants

Oz Bigdownunder, I Fucked Her Sissy Tits Off. A Duo with Lady Ava Sheridon and Her Sissy Slave

Books and Movies

History of BDSM, Strangeland (1998): The Celluloid Dungeon


Simone Francis, Watch Me



Note from Jasmine Gold: I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.


Thursday, October 3, 2024

In modern romance Triple Sec, author TJ Alexander tries to normalize poly relationships but just makes them boring



In Triple Sec, by TJ Alexander, bartender Mel somewhat reluctantly agrees to date Bebe, who is in an open marriage with Kade.  Mel and Bebe fall in love, and then Mel and Kade also fall in love, and all three of them are in love and HEA.

That this would be a lazy, dull book became apparent on Mel and Bebe's first date, when Bebe suggests that they don't discuss anything uninteresting about themselves, which would include their childhoods, their families of origin, their past relationships . . . .  Um, okay.  So we have three largely undeveloped characters living in a vacuum, occasionally having sex on the page and more frequently treating the reader to a discourse on how poly relationships work.  

There was an okay side plot about Mel entering a contest to create a quintessential New York City drink.  But in the back of my mind I was worried about which characters may already be or would perhaps one day become alcoholics, given that Mel's job and passion require providing and consuming and foisting on friends lots and lots of mixed drinks.  

I get that Alexander's own passion is normalizing poly relationships.  That's fine.  But their book would be better if the poly part were a backdrop to a plot instead of the whole thing.   

Note from Jasmine Gold: As the name of this blog indicates, I write erotica. Check out my dark, dystopian novel about naked sex slaves, Mindgames. Your darkest fantasies, with a phenomenal plot and characters you will come to think of as beloved friends. Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited  and in paperback.  Or read my book of short stories about hot, consensual sex, The Mature Woman's Guide to Desire, available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited.

Gilded age romance May the Best Duke Win by Paulia Belgado is by the numbers, and this review proves it

  The best thing about gilded age romance May the Best Duke Win by Paulia Belgado is the author's note at the beginning, in which Bel...